Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ohio River

You are a colonist in the New World.  You and your family have decided to move west in order to gain more land.  You need to describe what your journey was like through the Allegheny Mountains and finally to the Ohio River.  What was the land like?  Did you see any other people out there?  What were the First Americans like, friendly or hostile?  Where did you finally decide to settle?  What are you now doing for a living?  What is your life like?

I want you to write a short story and tell me about your adventures.  You need to use your best grammar and be creative.  This should be a few paragraphs and it should answer all the questions I asked above and more.


  1. Hey, my name is Kayla and me and my family decided to move to the west to gain more land so we are on our journey now and i'll tell u more about it.

    Well first we have started off on walking till we get to the Allegheny Mountains and well the view is nice there are a lot of trees and really pretty animals here and there are some rivers here. Last night we had to sleep under a shelter we built and we tried to make a fire buh it took us about 30 minutes to get it started then me and my dad (Ashton) both went to go get food we got some fish two or three enough to last us that night and after we ate dinner it started to rain and our fire went out and we were very cold. Then the next morning we start our journey again and its was about 2 hours into the journey before we saw another person. So my dad and mom (Crystal) went and asked him how we get to the Allegheny Mountains and he said well it took me about an hour or two to get there bye water and we said but we don't have a boat or anything its just us and our dog and he said well here you can use one of mine to get there and we said oh thank u so very much how can we repay u and he said how about with one of those fishes u have and so we gave it to him. and we were off to find the Mountains. Then when we were on the river it was really rough and when we went down a rapid we lost one of our paddles and we only had one so then we went to land and we found some really big sticks and i said "hey dad why don't we just cut this branch and make it into a paddle" and he said what a great idea!'' so then we did and then we were off again and about an hour later i said ''dad look there are the Allegheny Mountains!" and we were there and it was so PRETTY!! and so that night we ate very good we had a Deer and a Rabbit it was very good and there was a little cave there and we went under it and sleep that night with the fire it was very warm and i had a good rest than from the first night.
    Then the next morning we went and explored the place a little and there was a very pretty waterfall with a really pretty rainbow over it and it was just Beautiful. Then we went on with our day and we found another person and we asked him how to get to the Ohio River and he said "just take your boat and go up the river about 20 miles it'll take you bout 3 hours to get there but its worth the ride and in some spots the water is very rough so be careful and put your stuff in a save spot." And then 3 hours later we found a sign that said 'Welcome to the Ohio River and we all jumped out of the boat and screamed we made it! and then some guy said "I'd be careful if i were u cause there is some hulagan tryna shoot up the place so be careful and we all looked at each other with a worried look on our face and we took the boat up to the land and sat there for a bit and then i said "dad what if it was that first or second guy we saw they know were we were heading so they could come after us" and he said don't worry Kayla we'll be fine so then we went to bed that night and i couldn't sleep at all cause i was scared. so then morning rolled around and i heard a girl screaming and my mom and dad were still sleeping and so i went to go look bye myself but i didn't find anyone and then i went back to my mom and dad and we went on with journey and we spent 3 or 4 yrs there till we went back to our home in the eastern part. Well that was my journey.

  2. My name is Syleena, and on my journey at Allegheny Mountains and finally to the ohio river there was no general agreement about '' Appalachians'' versus the ''Alleghanies'' until the late 19th century. The term '' Appalachian'' became commonly used for the whole range. The land was like big or small I seen not that much people there. The first americans looked friendly there and i finally decide to settle looked like a great but till the native american came to attack us. I'm now doing for a living is that i'm finding new thing there and my life not that good because the native american keep attacking us .

  3. The journey was harsh. Me and my family did not have much food or good water. Through the Allegheny mountains it was was hard to cross. Many slopes and mountain tops. The mountain tops were very beautiful. After we crossed the mountains we saw it, the Ohio river. At the end of the Ohio river there might be a lot of land we can buy. So my family and I built a raft and headed on. But before we did we took one last look at the mountain tops. We headed on and we killed a few deer on the way. A few days later we had breakfast and then,we saw a village. We didn't see any Indians then that was good. then out of nowhere we saw bullets flying at us. We got the paddles and hit the water as fast as we could. We finally passed
    the village and waited. The next morning I woke up and I saw a lot of land and a house to the side. I woke my family up and we jumped of the raft and saw a house beside was another house a ways down. the hose and land were for sale and we went to the owner and bought it I farmed at the the house and therest of the family did work around the house. I'm glad we moved west.


  4. My name is Amy and I am on my journey. On my journey I might just run into some Native Americans.My journey will be amazing because I'll be passing some cool things. Like the Allegheny Mountains will be an amazing site to see. The gateway to the west , the Ohio river of course. I can just imagine what it would look. Lets rewind back to the Native Americans, They looked friendly but they weren't . They started firing at me with all sorts of objects i've never seen. I tried to explain to them that i was just passing through. They had no clue what i was saying. I just kept on walking no matter what they through at me. I ran into another problem. Then I heard this obserd growling. It was me I thought well I'm starving. I mean i could eat anything. So i did I ate a few plants that were yummy. Then i decided I wanted to go home. My journey has ended.

  5. After a long long travel we finally made it. We had settled along a river called the Ohio River. We thought we get some rest. So in the morning we started again we didn't what was a head of us. That was until we saw a village. We didn't know what to expect it look deserted that was until we notice we were being attack . One minute we were walking down a nice narrow quite river then were being attack!! we didn't no what to do we had nothing we could use to fight back . So once they had us trapped. Known all we could do is try to tell them that we are not here to try to take there land. They wouldn't let us go.We were stuck we didn't know what to do. But the next day they escaped and live happily after after .!=)

  6. If I were traveling with my family across the Allegheny Mountains it would be hard. The mountains were tall it take us an hour to go up one mountain. Also when we were traveling we saw Cherokee Indians. We traded our weapons for food with them. Our life was hard we ran out of food. Our water was low. Everything was a disaster.

    But then we finally we found a river. We could now have fresh water. We made a boat out of trees and leaves. It was rough going across the water. There were thunderstorms it was horrible.

    Then we finally found land. There were a few families, they were nice. They said they've been here for a while and they always traded with the indians.My life became easier. We had more food and water.We had a home and everything.

    I have a job as a blacksmith and my family is happy now. That is what my journey was like.

  7. Hi I am Shane and I am going to tell you about my journey going across the Allegheny Mountains and finally get to the Ohio River. While I was looking for something to eat then I saw a bush and it had berries on it so I ate some and took a rest. When I got up I saw a whole bunch of mountains [I guess I was sleep walking again] so I walked around. All of the sudden I saw a hole village and some natives saw me so I started running but I was captured! I think that they are hostile because I was strapped to a pole hanging up side down over a fire. Though that night while they were sleeping I managed to escape then I decided to settle far far away. The next mourning I was walking and I was really tired and almost fell in to the Ohio River I couldn't believe I made it. so now I am married and have kids and have my College degree. I am loving my my life as a dad.

  8. After a long journey on the Ohio River. But before we hit the Ohio River we had to travel through the Allegheny Mountains. We had lots of trouble trying to get through those mountains. First we run out of food. Then the native americans attack I got shot in the arm by an arrow. Finally reach the Ohio River. We were around west virginia were the river is not that wide. First we caught some fish to eat and then I patch up my wound. Off to the west. Finally we are in the west. We find a spot to settle and live happily ever after

  9. The ohio river is so wonderful the water is so smooth as it rock heavenly blue and pink boat. I seen a lot of people on there boats to then as i go by the people starts to fire at my favorite boat. So i start to sink in water my food is going in the water and flooding away .I was holding on to my rope pulling myself up. I was making it because it had it connected to my flag that said LOVE THE USA.
    As i was holding on i fait a huge bump then i stop and looked and it was a sandy Island.

  10. Eliza Homeibob was on her way to the Ohio River when she saw some indians running along a river. Eliza stopped and run behind a bush. The indians ran past her they all formed a line in front of her and they said why are you an our property. ( Eliza was shaking in a weird way). She said "well i was sent on a journey to tell facts about this river you all were running on". We know all he facts about this river but we can not tell it is our secret river but we can tell u some of the facts about this river. the Ohio River is one of the largest tributary by volume of the Mississippi River. This River has great significance history of the Native Americans.It was a main transportation route during westward expansion. Sorry but that is all of the facts i can give you Eliza. It is okay I really only need to have 2 facts about it any way. But i have to go and thanks for all of great facts about this river. I will come back soon see you then. Bye see you soon said the indians. Bye and thanks for the facts again said Eliza Hameibob.

  11. It was August 21 and my family was ready to move.We have decided to move west,so we can discover new things.My family and I were walking along and we were really hot and tired.We were ready to settle somewhere but we could not find anything because most of the land was taken. The rest of the land was not very good land. The sun started to come down so we slept where we were and stayed there for the next three days.

    About a week later we decided to start looking for land again.We met some new people,they were very mean,but they said if we share our food with them they would share their land with us.We made a deal. This land was beautiful! We finally found what we wanted.We were happy.We lived there for the rest of our life. 8)

  12. If I were a colonist to the ohio river first through the allegheny Mt. It would a long journey because it will rain time to time and might get some of our food and it will might sink in to the river. Then we had to survive on the nature around us . also as we rode in our boat sprung a big leak and it was to hard to fix so we swam also carrying 2 children aboard , but we made without any accidents. The first americans we saw they were very hostile about what they had ,also they looked at us like they were about to attack. 1 week after finally finding food we settled in an nice area with tons of farmland I tiffany A . jardine built a cottage by hand. we lived in it for 32 years.

  13. John was a young colonist, that went in the new world. He was a farmer that sell crops. His family wanted more lands ,so they moved west. It was tiring journey and it was hot from the sun beating us with hot rays of light. My family was worried for the children in the hot summer day in the Allegheny Mountain.
    We were thirsty and hungry and we were tired. I was awake to protect my family, they were sleeping. I help my family survive in the nasty forest and I don't want family to get harmed from snake and bugs. We were almost there in the west to get more farmland. The next day we were there in the west. We saw many people there in the west and they were nice to give us seeds to plant. We saw a river named the Ohio River and we started a new farm to sell new crops. John has wonderful kids and a wife and thats what matter the most for John.

  14. Hi my name is Ryanna and i am going to tell you about my trip to the Allegheny Mountains. We had no food so me and my brother climbed to the top of a mountain to look for food then i tripped over a rock, but my brother found a rope so i tried my best to get back up but the rope snapped. So then i fell into the Ohio RIver screaming all the way down. So then i found a broken boat. i looked everywhere for the missing pieces then when i found all the broken pieces and put together the boat. Then we traveled all the way to Virginia, and decided to live there.
    So then i grew up and got married and had kids and got a job.
    So thats all about my journey to Allegheny Mountains. :) <333

  15. My family and i Elizibeth Turner decided to move west to get more land for our horses and, cows. I am one of the colonists from Pensulvania and ready to start my journey to the west. We didnt have a lot of things so my mother and father carried the little food we had. While my brother and i carried all of the cloths. Then our journey begain.
    On the first day, we saddled up on our three horses and , headed out. Me and my brother had to share a horse because he was to small to ride by himself. We tried to get the cows to follow us but they would'nt come . So we got a drink of milk from them thenleft them behind. We wanted to go as fast as possible because, we thought there was a storm coming.
    On our way through the forest we got to see a lot of cool trees. while we were in the forest we also took a break to eat. We took longer to eat than expected so by the time we were finished it was dark and thundering. We decided to keep on riding through the night my brother was already sick with a cold so we let him sleep on me through the night. When it was morning we were out of the forest and on a little hill. The landscape was amazing there were so many birds and trees and, we could already see the Ohio River! When we were at the river we realized that the water was to deep for the horses to walk through. So unfotunutly we had to let them run off. So we were left with only one apple from our old apple tree and our cloths. We soon realized that we have more important problums we had to find a way to get across the river. We decided to build a canoe. After we built it we were on our way. We were all very tired but, we had to get across the river. the water was so bright and cold we loved to splash it on our face to keep us awake. Finally we were there and ready to start our new life!

  16. Hi my name is Miya.
    Im a colonist in the new world.My family decided to move west to gain more land and trust me they picked the driest one out here. There's really nobody out here but Native Americans,me my mom,dad,and sister so of course i was bored. But that wouldn't stop me from telling my story. Well when we saw the Native Americans we were afraid that they might shoot us with a arrow. So we all took a deep breath and went to talk to them and kind to think of it they were very friendly. They told us where to settle and so we went there and.....we was in the middle of no where. So i looked around and said"I see some people over there" and so we walked over there and saw a lot of people and they said"you guys made it". So they showed us where our tint was and i said"lets go back home because i do not want to sleep outside" and so we went home and lived happily ever after.

  17. I'f i were colonist of the Ohio river allegheny Mt. It was a long travel because long travel we had to find food to eat , so we hunted animals and used deer skin to make clothes.Then it came to the rain so two people saw us is the rain and said''join --us''?The next day they made a ship for us to look for land and they went along too. Everyone fished the next day. Then we searched and searched and found the best land of land to be find,and it had good farm land too! Me, my family and the two other people.(Alexis and her son). we lived happy ever after.

  18. One day Brett decided to go west. Then they packed and put everything in the wagon and took off. Whenever they were moving you always feel a bump. Then my daughter saw a dog it was a husky. Then she said can we keep her then i said sure.
    Then we took off with me,my wife,my son,our dog,and my daughter. Then we stopped at night so we could rest I made a fire so we can stay warm. then we all fell asleep. at the middle of the night I looked around and then our dog wasn't there. I looked around then I saw her another dog. While she was next to the dog I said fine we can have both of you then i walked back with our two dogs. then me and the dogs fell asleep.
    then we all woke up the next morning. then my wife said who's the knew dog i found him last night were keeping him too. then we took off with me,my wife,my daughter,my son,and are too dog's Sunshine and Dawn. as we were riding we went in between two mountains then we saw two very angry dogs. then are two dogs growled then I threw a rock at one and it fell over a cliff but there was water below it so it didn't get hurt then our two dogs pushed over the other one.
    then there it was ohio river the End

  19. My name is austin and my family and I were moving west because there was more land for farming. There were less indians ruining their crops. The water was cleaner. The soil was not hard on.

  20. My name is Lisa Gertrude, My family and I are moving to the west. We are at the Allegheny mountains, they are rough and hurt our feet, since we cant afford good shoes. My little brother is already ill, he is riding horseback with mother.It is a long trip to the west but everyone knows it is worth it.
    As we come to the Ohio river we take two canoes, Me and my father in one, and my little brother and mother in the other. As we float along, our paddle snaps right in half, and one pice falls to the bottom of the river. We knew this was not good, and would slow us down a lot. We saw a piece of wood almost shaped like the end of a paddle and a long stick. We knew this could help us fix it but didn't know how to securely fasten them together.
    Finally mother found a long piece of string and asked father if that would help tie them together. Father said he would try and luckily, it worked! As we got to the end of the river we were all exhausted so we layed down for a rest. When we woke up we were more determined than ever to get there. So after we traveled for a while (not sure exactly how long, I would estimate about 2 or 3 hours) we finally got to the place we had all dreamed about. That was the greatest feeling ever, the land was so beautiful and everything was so clean. We only saw a few people there, so of course we introduced ourselves, they seemed very friendly.
    Finally we decided on a place to live. Father built a house with the help of his new friends, it was small but no one cared because we were finally here, we have always dreamed of this day and finally it was here. Our house was small but we had a big piece of land to start a farm. My whole family has always loved to farm, even my little brother, so this was one of the greatest things that could ever happen to us. Mother and I loved to plant crops and watch them grow, Nick loved to milk the cows, brush the horses, and feed all of the animals, and sometimes father even enjoyed helping us pick the vegetables. We didn't come to the west with a lot of money, and father could not find a job. Now that our farm was successful , we decided to open a stand and sell some of our vegetables and fruits.
    It started off as a little stand, then more and more people bought from us, and finally it became a big hit so we made a second big farm and sold ALL of our veggies and fruits. Father finally found a job, and we lived a great life!

  21. Hi my name is Caroline Thomas and my family and I are going on a adventure to the Ohio River. This is the story how and why we moved west. We wanted to move west because Pennsylvania was terrible. Their rules were awful. They selected member of the council without us even voting. So my family and i headed off for our adventure to the Ohio River. On our way to the Allegheny Mountains we ran into the First Americans. We realized that they did not speak our language. We thought we were intruding their home and space. Then we continued our trip to Ohio. Soon we ran into another set of First Americans and they looked at us like they were going to hurt us but since it was getting late they let us sleep in one of their house. The next morning we ate a good break fast and said goodbye and left. When we got to the Allegheny Mountains we had climbed the rough mountain for a couple of days. We were tired and hungry. We made it to the Ohio River. The land was beautiful, the water, the trees, and the animals were awesome We made a canoe and floated to the farm land and bought a farm.

  22. Hi this is my story of how I made it to the west.Oh forgive me my name is John Croffwood.I left the colonies because my land was being sold for more training camps. They told me to leave in 12 days to leave,so I left with my wife and kids.We packed up or bags and stated our journey,at the begining of our long walk in the mountains we stumbled upon a very kind lady she let us stay in her house for the the day.We left before don so we could get a head start,by noon we ran some bandits they look like ordianary people but they seemed strange.I had to fight off 7 of them,I surrived but I had a brused arm. We finally made it to the Ohio river, I made a conue it took 3days to make it ,I made it and bulied a house in the west

  23. Moving to the west
    I am a colonist moving from Coastal Plain to the west to gain more land. The journey will be hard. My family and I are low on food but we make do of what we have. We have to go through a lot of mountains to get to the Ohio River. The journey was good.

  24. As we walked through the Allegheny Mountains many things happened and it was an amazing journey. The view was very nice but as we looked in the distance we saw a very very dark cloud, this could not be good. It was about noon when the storm was almost right over top of us we had to find some shelter. We walked into some woods and found some big logs and a whole lot of leaves so we built a little place to be protected. The storm came and passed by very quickly but it was a very rough storm. As we keep walking we come across some animals that we need to kill for food. We kill the animals and start a fire and cook the animals and we eat. The next day As we are walking we look in the distance and we see the Ohio River!!!!! We have finally made it after a very long and rough journey. My father Built us a house made of wood and we have lived in it for 19 years now.

  25. If I were a colonist I would first get to the Ohio River.My journey to the Ohio River was awesome and scary. First,I saw the American Indians. The Indians were very nice. They gave us some of their food, and built a teepee. I thought it was very cool of them to do that. When we woke up, we packed our stuff and said goodbye. The chief came up to us and said give us all the stuff we gave you. I said 'we don't have any food. They got their weapons and aimed at us. We climbed up a tree and got the guns we had brought with us and I shot the chief. We got in a canoe we had stole and paddled away. When we go to the Allegheny Mountains I pasted out. When I woke up I was in a canoe and we were on the Oho River. It was amazing that I didn't have to climb the mountain. We met more colonist on the Ohio River. Was I glad that we got away from those scary, looking Indians.I thought it was a wicked journey.

  26. Today My family is going to the west where going to travel by the Ohio river by canoe. But there is only one problem if it gets to stormy something very bad could happen we could fall over in the canoe if the wind is to heavy. If so we will live on land for as long as we can and keep traveling to the west. But the only problem would be if we tip are canoe over we would lose most of our food,water,ect. We kept going down to the west then we saw some americans there where very hostile but then they seemed very friendly at the same time. After awhile down we realized we need to get food so we decided our way of making money was going to be trade. So we would go hunting and get some pelts by killing all sorts of animals. Are life is getting a little better where getting more food,water and best of all better shelter to keep us from getting wet at night or cold during the day as well as the night . After a long time of traveling we ran into some americans again they where kinda nice and we made a trade they said if we give them some pelts we get to have some land. So we did it was a deal we made the trade and this place was terrific there was birds flying everywhere and waterfalls. The next day we decided to go fishing we caught some nice fish trout, bass all sorts. Finally we where home! After about 26 years here we have loved it its so beautiful here

    THE END!!!!!

  27. It start when my family made a long journey to the Ohio River.It was when we ran out of food when pass the Allegheny Mt. When we arrive at the Ohio River the ship was almost broken. Dad and I went fishing in the river we use spear that my dad make ,that the indian the use to catch fish with. We also built a house made of wood and animal skin. When it Spring my my mom grew corn that the indian taught her.In winter my sister and I help my mom harvest the corn from the field. Later my dad friend arrive at the Ohio river. He and his family arrive when I was 20 years old . He and my dad always go out an adventure somewhere in the in the Ohio River. It was three years later when my come home I was happy he ,said he will stay home with us forever. THE END

  28. I Ally Wahl and my family were traveling to the west.We had to travel on the Ohio River and through the Allegheny Mountians. The worse part about it was going down the river in are boat. The boat was rocking we were all getting sick. Then we got off the boat. On the land we saw the first americans some were hostile and others were friendly. We were able to trade with the friendly americans. It was wired the hostile ones were trying to start a war. But the friendly ones said "stop they are people just like us" in a goofy language. But lucky i spoke that goofy language. Now i have a job dog sitting and walking the dogs to. I also live in VA, it's very wonderful here, i go to syms middle school.

  29. We started to run to allegheny Mt . it was ok but we first had to find food
    for our new land people were very hostile and wanted to grab there own food and drinks and the only drinks we have is the little creek in the middle of no where no food besides coconuts and coco beans so we had to go back to our home village to get some seeds like watermelon,oranges ,grapes so we went back to gain our new land and fell into a big hole in the ground it was spontanious but we kept walking ill we could not work any more and found an big lake an ocean a bunch of crops and in this part people were not as hostile at in are old land so we settled hare to live and it was nice than the old place so we gained control of the land and we started laws and i was the mayor of the new land that is in ohio it was very better than what we though
    it was so with the seeds we made this place even better than what it was now we live in an wonderful place that looks great it is awesome we made laws and people started to be a little nicer that the other land and we still get sun light because we got people to work and they have jobs and our new state looks great and we got people to hunt for us and they found food and get us meat and living animals to live in our new land called ohio
    yeah and i almost forgot my name is matt ohio is an nice place to live we have twenty two caves for people to live in they are very nice caves and it is a good porportion of an cave some guy in an new cave we just found an old man in a caved in cave we saved him and got a badge from the president saying that our new state is the best state in north america and we had the right to make a villege for our state so now
    we have a town in our state now we have not not made an name for the town but we made one for the river we called it the ohio river and present day kids and adults of all ages they like to go swimming in it it is cold so on hot days we love that river and we made an agreement with the president to come down and give our new villege a speech and
    we found a lot of sticks to build a houses and we found elbow noodles
    and we have cows to make milk so we made cheese and a lot of dairy products for people to enjoy we started to make dollar bills and change
    so we opened an local store for people to enjoy to get food and soft drinks and in this town our law is no smoking and drinking stuff if we catch you will be kicked our of ohio and forced by law to go back to your home town.

  30. Yesterday my family moved to a strange place called Virginia. It was covered in trees and and strange animals. My family made a house from sticks and mud. we gathered some twigs for a fire, my dad was out gathering fire wood and he heard a noise, he dropped the wood and went to see what it was all of a sudden an indian jumped out of nowhere with a hatchet and tried to hit my dad, my dad took out his pistil and shot the indian in the arm my dad ran to the house very scared. I asked my dad what was wrong and he told me. The next day the colonists built a triangle shaped fort around the houses. We where protected from the indians.I went outside to play one day and an indian was standing there with an animal skin coat and a spear, i ran to the colonists and told them they grabbed their guns and aimed at the indian the indian ran back into the woods. Later that day i saw another indian and he was looking at me i looked back and all of a sudden a gun shot went off and the indian was bleeding. I was in shot that te man did that but he did.

  31. Hi my name is willie and i am going west for a little while I need to take with me a rain coat because I'm going to be on a boat so i need a storage area so i can keep all my food in it. and so it wont get wet or maybe even fall off the boat i do not actually know how long ill be gone but it depends on how long it takes me to get their and back now you were and when I'm leaving.So im going now and maybe ill see some explorers because im going to the gateway to the west so i should at leas

  32. Well I will first start by walking and take a journey of the place. and see what is in this new island and I would like to see what kind of different stuff would be different from this sentry and then I would start walking and walking and thin when I get to the Ohio river I would walk into I can find a cave and then I will take a break and when we started to walk agian. and found food and when we where walking we found a gate way to the wost early settlers would cross.

  33. HI my name is Anthony. me and my family are going on a adventure to the ohio river. This is how we made it to the west.We stated at the coastal plain then we stated to pack up. Next we started to walk through mountain and then we stated to see the ohio river and the other colonist tribe was there we.We had a good time!!!!

  34. HI Im Layla and

    Im going to tell you about my adventure.My family likes the land they say it's flat,and,has alot of water.We meet first Americans and they were very friendly.We traded and built houses together.,My family decided to stay in the Allegheny Mountains.Our life was good and we had alot of food.We had one problem more people came and stole our food but we good it back before they ate it.My family hunts for people and gets food in return.Sometimes me and my little sister go to the Ohio river to look at fish and get water for the family,We like where we live and hopefully continue to live here.

  35. Hi My Name is Gabrielle Poe and me and my family are moving west for more land first we started of on the allegheny mountains it was vere nice and there was allot of trees but as we where walking we noticed that it got dark and we had to find shelter as soon as we found shelter and soon we went to sleep we had to wake up and now we need to bulid
    a boat to get across the Ohio river so we used what we know so we had to put all of our brains to work but as i was working we noticed a boat coming across the water and all of a sutton we meet the frist natvie americans and they were really nice and they helped us and they got us over the ohio river

  36. Hi my name is Ariyon and im moving to the Interior Lowlands.I moved from Coastal PLain,because it was a more land and centeral location.Im 26 years old.I have to use body language to speak to the Native Americans.Its fun up here me and my family make stuff together.we go fishing for food.I have all the stuff that need for my home family i have clothes from when i left i pack some home food meal.When me and my family was making our house the Native Americans came and snatch us up and communicated to us , and said why are ya'll here. We said we came here for some land they said no leave us to our peace,we said no and they threaten to killed us.We left in the morning the next day.In the mean time my family is happy,safter.I have a job im a singer and i make enough money for my family.Then i will
    be famouse in the west.

  37. Hi my name Treanya and my friend Antoiunette. were going to the west!
    While we going to ohio we took two canoes there. Then we got there so we had to walk along the trial we kept walking ....... and walking there it was four mountains loin if we want more land we ran fast as we could! Me an Antoiunette was very hungry so we ate bugs it was disgusting. We walk an walk than we ran into Native American. They where going to attack us so we ran an ran cause we wanted are land than finally got away. So next day we slept an slept . Than we walk two miles there it was land!!! Were so happy we almost pass out. So we walk around we seen food growing , shelter, cloths ,and more so we seen other people there. So we was there we so glad we have land!

  38. my name is Kiyah and this my story I was 24 and me and family move west when we got there we had no money we had to learn how to fish hunt and cloth my children and it was hard couple years later we got a whole of things that day they attack it was so hard it was like starting all over agin in we had to build a new home. we had no jobs and my kids were geting sick . one day when my husband was huting for food he found something it was people but so my husband went over there and he start talking to them and they made a deal with us they said if we show them some of are skills the will l l help us out so they did they help us out and got is back on are feet i am now 42 my husband is 44 my kids are 17 and 15 and we still thick about the west and how are friends are doing we are thank full of what we have and the family we have

  39. Hi my name is alison, i am 16 and i am going though a little bit of trouble in family wise and money.
    My family and i have decided to move west for the summer. It's just not safe in the town we live in now. Everyone is taking other peoples land and tools to use on their farms and the mayor isn't doing anything about it. We need more land than normally, because i have 3 sisters and 5 brothers. Are parents don't have the money to be buying the food that cost a lot of money. So we are packing getting ready to start our journey to the west. We have a little problem though my younger brothers and sisters don't want to leave the village yet. They hate having to leave their friends behind and have to make new ones. At least we have another family traveling with us to the new land and they have little friends in that group of family. We finally got the little was in the wagens. It's finally time to leave. It's been a while bout we are going to stop and take a rest for a little bit knowing that it is normally 12 :00 right now so good night. I will tell you more in the morning at the crack of dawn!!! Okay so last night was really hard trying to go to sleep in the mountains. all of the bears and wolfs were scaring the little kids so they couldn't get to sleep,Mom and dad were sleeping ,so me ,Kaila,Marline, and Wanya had to take care of the little babies. Now we are traveling trough a little lake. I hate to say it bouti have to go ,because i have to go fight a bear!!!!

  40. I am kevin jonas the year 1608, it was as i suspected the indians didn't know english so i to use body language to speak to them and i barley understand them and all the colonists were getting sick by diseases. All i to eat was fish, berries, and other fruits. some of the of the indians were hostile because they thought i was trying to over there land so they tried to kill me but finally reached the ohio river it was beautiful so i got some wood and carved a boat so i could sail it. but before i left i wanted to how to learn how to take care my self on the water and i decided to stay for another year so by the year of 1609 i was ready to learn how to make weapons,grow crops,and how to make pottery so i set sail when one of my ships sowed up i thought i was going to be riding back with them but they even reconizes me but i saw my crew taking indians and locking them away but i had a couple of spears so i killed my team to help the indians so they rewarded me with more weapons and i finally set off on my journey to the east . in the year 1710 i finally made it this my story kevin jonas.

  41. I am Treanya and am 13 this is my life story a kind of crazy story. This is how it all happened . first off i just moved from asia and my father and mother had found an new job so we had to moved so we had to move to ohio. When i told all my friends they all was like WHAT YOU COULD NOT GO AWAY FROM US AND HOW ARE WE SUPPOSE TO SEE AND TALK TO EACH OTHER . And i was like we can email each other like that. And in the summer i could come back here to and i could stay a couple of days. so then i went back home and i stared to pack up all my belonging until my annoying lil brother walked in my room and started to mess with me and me and him started to fight then my my came up stairs and was like what are you two doing and then i got in trouble. So we stared on the road.It took us one in a half days just to get there. And my mom and dad had to take turns driving and then all of a sudden a deer ran across our car and my mom screamed and my dad chuckle and then my brother and i woke up and was scared at first. But then we got to were we was suppose to be and then people was just talking and it had made my dizzy and i was like mom could you pleas get us outer her to were we suppose to be and she was like if you say so and then we went to go find a place to live and in the meantime we had to live in an hotel. But my mom found some were for my brother and i a school to go to. And that day my mom and dasd found a place for us to live and we had to what a week until we got to stay there so e and my brother had an hard time at this new school. Because people was talking languages that we did not know........ to be continued

  42. Hi my name is Lilly, I'm 5 and I have a story to tell you.
    My family is moving west to own more land.So as we were moving we saw bears,deers,and a lot of other animals. When we went to sleep it was not easy I heard things I did not know. So when we got to the river I was afraid to get on the boat because I thought it was going to sink. when I finely got on the boat we were on are way. I did not sleep at all. we finely got there I was so happy,BUT I had NO one to PLAY with. My mom and dad woks all day long.I did not know how to talk to the red people. so I hated it ,I wanted to go back but I could not.My mom and dad had to worked to
    hard to get here.

  43. Hi my name is Nick Jonas. I am a settler the date is 1608. I am one of the first explorers in the world. Its a hard life to live. I'm moving westward to the Ohio river. The indians have been a problem getting there. The mountains have been a struggle to.My family is still in Great Britain. The wildlife has been troublesome as well. The bugs have a diseases. I should get there in about a day. Right now I climbing a mountain. to be continued

  44. My name is Tom Seymour and I am moving to the west.
    The year is 1732,and the second day of march.We had got a letter from my aunt it said that she had moved to the west past the Ohio river.She said in the letter that it was a hard trip but it was worth it. She also heard that there might be gold. Now my family was poor and they thought it was worth it but I didn't think it was such a good idea.We were from New York and my dad worked for a compony that wasn't doing so well. My parents thought it was a good idea but I didn't think so.My family is my brother John,my mom susan,my dad Tom,and my pet lizard my dad had picked him up from Africa. My mom and dad decided to move out to the west. we packed up our stuff all in one day. My dad was really exited we got a good night sleep and left at nine in the morning.That first day we got to the Ohio river and got on a ship. that night I could not sleep at all I was throwing up every were. The first day we started to cross the the grassy land I had slept during the whole day. The next day we went hunting for deer. But what we found was a wolf! I had grabbed my dad's rifle but the wolf was to fast and it bit my dad' leg but I shot the wolf and I had to carry him back. THe next day we fell into a hole every one got hurt. But I found gold. and that's when it happend. THE END

  45. Moving to the west I am a colonist going to the west in 1610 because I do not like there rules. I am 25 years old. I was left and I was attacked by Indians and they took my crops.I looked and I had to fix the wagon so it took me 300 minutes .Then i went to the Indians tribe and talked to the cheif and he told me were lived and they lived 2 miles away from ohio river and i asked if i cani live with thim and they said yes .

  46. It started just like any other day.I started to pack my things, I looked out of the window knowing I would not see this place again.As I finished packing my things I heard the sound of horses as father came around the corner.We were off to the NEW WORLD!
    As we reached the Allegeny Mountains my sister and I fell asleep.We finally reached the Ohio River we let the horses go and made a raft.
    For the next three days we ate fish and drank rain water we caught in a pot.
    When we got there we saw Nothing!No one was there not a single person.So we went to work in the new world.We landed in Missouri, as we looked around the land,it was kind of dry and hot. Now for a living we are selling fish to the other settlers that are just arriving.
    Life in Missouri is fun. Open land and wide open space. THE END!

  47. And me and my brother was so shocked about how we did not know what they was saying and how was we going to get throu the whole school year with all thwis talking.But so then later in the year we got learn a tiny bet of how they talk and other stuff like that and the good part about it four me is that my old friends got to meet my new ones.But when my parent whent mad because that they had to put up with this finding us private teachers because we did not no the laungage that they was saying then they had to find teachers that we could understand our laungage and teach us some of there launage.And we was going low on mony because we was in an so many diffrent geroups that my parents had to pay for so many things that we need and school stuff that we need.We never payed attion to how that when my parents fussed about have to pay taxes,and the bill and the new rule that they had there like pay the doubble of what you pay your taxs and that was a lot of money like 100 doller so my parents had to pay 200 dollers each time they hadf tpo pay.Until when i over heard them talking about how we do not have enought to pay for this house and that we might have to give one of ous up but i just lied there and cryed and they ask that me what was wrong and i said that nothing was wrong with me.So the last couple of days i just went on and selled stuff and maed my own shope that nobody ever knowed about.But then when my parents found out that i was selling stuff they was like why would you do that and thin i told them what had happened and i want to open my own bankeing acount because i wanted to stared on saving acount and they took me right up to the bank and we opend me a bankers acount.SO thin whedn stuff was just sateding to get my best frined Antoinette came along and she told me that sqhe was comeing to stay with me and i was so happy and we went to school stogather and we was in the same class and every thing.And then Antoinette and i went to the zoo and we saw this bear and then the bare looked so sad so dwe let him out and then he satred to chase ather us and we was NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD BEAR NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD BEAR.And then my mom said okay yall it has been3 years that we have satyed here it is time fir me to find an new job so we moved to england and stared all over agin


  48. Hi my name is kaila and me and my family are moving to the west to gain more land.Im going to tell you all about our journey.

    We start off walking till we get to the allegheny Mt.While we are there our goal is find food and water..... Okay we have found food and water and we have made it through the allegheny Mt.Now we are at the ohio river and we see some native americans fishing off the river banks.One is very tall and skinney the other one is short and realy chubby.They both have long hair and blue eyes they look very we walk over to them and we introduce ourselves.They started yelling and screaming and holding thier poles like they are about to hit us with them so we run off.Then we find a canoe.So here we are travling down the ohio river with four children and two adults in this one tinny canoe.We are very squished and hungrey.We have eaten all day.We get a couple miles down the river and we see more native americans and so we go to meet them and see if they are nicer. So we get over there and we introduce ourselvse and they are much nicer than the other indians.These ones offerd to take us back to thier village.SO of coaurse we accepted.We are in their village and it has the nicest land,it has nice,rich soil and it is excellent for farming.So we decide to try to settle there.We are now living right along the coast of the ohio river.We hunt deer in the winter and pick berries in the fall and in the summer we plant and harvest some foods we grow in our garden.Life is treating us well now. THE END

  49. Hi my name is calea.I am moving west to the interior Lowlands.On my way there my brother and my dad will stop on the way and hunt for food.It took a very long time to get here.I begged,begged,and begged to turn around,my mom and dad said no.So i just sat quietly for the whole long ride.I fell asleep on the way.Finally we got there.I saw people doing a lot of different thing.People were fishing,hunting.making clothes,and cooking and much more things.To speak to them i have to use sign language until i learn there language.I think it will be better here than the coastal plain.I can teach the native American's thing that they don't know and they can teach me things that i don't know.The native American's can teach me how to cook,make clothes,fish,and how to wash clothes.After i learn all of that i will learn the languages that they speak.It is so fun in the interior lowlands.i am glad my mom and dad said no don't turn around.this is what i will do if i move to the west.(the interior lowlands)

  50. Hi My name is Bella Swan my family is moving westward. You want to know why because my house was burnted down . all are land was destroyed and there was misqutoes that had disese's and the water was murky I hated that water but we had to drink it to survive. today is the day we leave. boo I say in my mind cause i was a little upset but I know it well be okay becuase my dad won,t have to buld over and over and over and so on .I had to say good bye to my friends Edward
    Alice Roslina and Lilly ,Jessica. so we said goodbye and we were gone. I started to cry my parnets said"I know honey you didn,t want to live you're friends behind "my parnets said.
    so I felt better by the second it was fun on
    the way there. we we made to the Applachian Highlands.It was really hot out side today I cant wait FOR tonight today I wan't to the near by town I took my horse lucy I want to a store called jacobs market. to buy deer meat yuck . "what do you need" said the store manager
    "oh deer meat" I said. "OH WE HAVE DEER MEAT" HE SAID. " OH WHATS YOUR NAME "I said "Jacob" he said. " oh hi then Jacob" I said "how many pieces do you need " he said. "Three"I said. "okay that will be 25 cents"he said. "here you go" I said. "thanks"he said. and off I went I got home and my mamma was picking the crops I'AM HOME I YELLED. "OK" SHE SAID" CAN YOU SART THE POT AND PUT THE DEER MEAT IN THE POT "SHE YELLED FROM OUT SIDE. OK I SAID it was time to eat dinner. I had my bad times but I can start clean agian but I'm still upset about my friends but I made new friends so I hoped you liked my story and bye.
