Friday, October 9, 2009

First American Tribes

If you had to join one of the 5 First American tribes we have discussed in class, which one would you join? Tell me what your life would be like in that tribe.


  1. pueblo because i like the climate and i think i would fit with tribe good hunting wise and many more reasons

  2. I'd live in the inuits because I would want to live in the cold. I like to eat deer,and fish. I am good in cold weather. It is a good plan for me to live with the inuits. I think I can live with the inuits forever.
    p.s. I wont die.

  3. Iroquois,my life would be harder than it is now.I would have hunt and fish.I would also have to get straw and sticks to build my house.I would have to grow crops too.

  4. The Iroquois because they grew tasteful crops. My life in there tribe would be nice, because of the climate and the selection of food. There trees would be useful . The longhouses seem comfortable and long. Adventures are sure to come.

  5. i would wanna join the Iriqouis Because the wether there is not to hot and not to cold and the houses they build we would not have to rebuild every time we move. And we could grow crops like beans and corn and not just eat meat all the time but i would like to eat meat some times and not just crops. But i think my live would be okay maybe a little hard buh not rough. I'd like o go help cut down the trees and help build the houses if i was able to do so. I would like my life as an Iriqouis Because i think it would be a great experience for me to have Because it would be diffrent then how my life is now.

  6. I would live in the Iroquois.I choose this tribe because the use the longhouses and I like big houses. They have mild seasons.
    I wouldn't want to be freezing all the time like the Inuits and to be hot all the time like the Pueblo. Also you can grow crops. It seems easier to be an
    Iroquois Indian than the others because we can hunt and grow crops. Also we have all of the seasons , instead of just cold or hot all the time.
    This is what Tribe I would pick.

  7. I would want to live with the Iroquois.I would want to live with them because they have mild seasons.I like that better than being burning hot and being freezing cold. Also I like the longhouses.It is nice and big.I think I would be happy living there. It seems easy because they fish,which I do a lot. They grow crops, which also looks easy to do and they did a lot more.I think it would be a fabulous adventure. They do a lot of fun and easy work. That is how I like to live!!

  8. I would join the Iroquis because it was a half and half tempature. Also

  9. I would join in the Iroquois because they lived in the woodland and so lived in longhouses to lived in and plus hunted animals also i would be doing a lot of work like cleaning, washing dishes, and making a lot of clothes. Plus my life will be living in the Iroquois tribe is probably doing more and more work. And the women more stuff then the men do.

  10. I think if i to be in a tribe it would pueblo. Because i like the way the tribe is. I like the enviorment and the climate .I think i would blend
    with the tribe.

  11. kwakiutl ; I am traveling with my family across the west coast. We have ran into another village along the valley so we stay and live there.

  12. out of the 5 groups i would like to be in pueblo because am used to hot weather am sure it would be misery because we would be hot and sweaty and dehydrated but you would have to do alot of work to be in that tribe..thats what i would think it would be in the pueblo..and i think you would have an good adventure in the pueblo tribe. but the only thing is they live by the mountains and i dont like the mountains

  13. Sioux, because it wood be perfect temperature to be in, and I would be able to move a lot, and see new things. It also might be fun hanging out with buffalo all the time. Whenever I move as well, it would all was be a good sight. This is way I pick the Sioux to live with. They are fun. I am also really good hunters so I could be a great hunter. That is way the Sioux are great.

  14. I heavenly will join the inuits because i like the cold.I would like to fish with a spear.

  15. if i had to choose my favorite tribe it would have to be the pueblo tribe. i would like to be in the pueblo tribe because i like the hot weather. i think it would be cool to live in the adobe house it is so big. i also like corn and thats one of the crops they grew. That is why i would like to live with the pueblo tribe. That is also why it is my favorite tribe.

  16. sioux,in the morning I would get my group and look for buffalo and hunt one and come to hunt some more the next day.In the afternoon I would ask the the woman to cook the buffalo. at night we would feast and have dancing contest. then I would get ready to go to sleep.

  17. I would live with the Iroquois because I could get to use of the climate in the Eastern woodland. I would love to hunt with the indian because I would want to use a spear. I love to live in a longhouse for one day. I would trade with other indians if we need supplies. I would love to hunt deers, bears, and fishes.

  18. I would like to join the Inuits because I like cold weather. This is how my day would go: In the morning i would wake up and get dressed, I would make sure to wear seal fat and fur. I would skip breakfast and get to work fishing for lunch. Once I was done it is time to eat. We cant grow any crops because it's so snowy, so we just have fish. After lunch we realize our igloo has broken a little, so we repair it. Already it is time for dinner and father returns. He found caribou so we have a special meal that night. It is time for bed almost immediately after dinner since we have to get up early to meet with family tomorrow. We go in the igloo and go to sleep.
    The end.!

  19. I would join in the Pueblo because I think the climate is pretty nice.I also think that i will like the food that they eat.I like the sound of living in a clay house.I think the clothes will look very nice.I think that living with the Pueblos would be fine.

  20. i want to join the souix be i like to move and find new places to live and i want to hunted buffalo.My day is going pretty good so far the only thing isis i told the chieff i don't know about using the bladder as a drinking container . we hunted buffalo and ran on the grasslands.

  21. I would like to live with the inuits because i like the cold. I could also get use to the climate easy. I would also like to hunt with a spear. And i think it would be fun to build an igloo. And I think it would be fun to fish because I think fishing is very fun. And i think it will be cool to hunt whales and seals. And i would were as much clothes as i could wear. That is why i picked the inuits to live with.

  22. Out of 5 different tribs i picked the Iroquois, because the weather is just right in many ways. Also there was alot of room for longhouses. there was also 4 seasons so there was kind of alot f food. I really like the Iroquois.

  23. The Sioux,because I get to learn how to hunt the bufflo. The people of my tribe travel in shearch of the great bufflo, so we get around a lot. the temperature is very nice were I live.We have a veriaty of food.I learn to adapt to my enviroment.

  24. I would like to live in the Iroquois because, the climate is milld, its not too hot but not too cold.
    And we don't eat the same thing everyday sometimes we eat corn, beans, and meat.
    And we don't have to rebuild our houses every time we move, also the longhouses have a lot of space. And i know that there is going to be lots of fun adventures.
    Thats why i would enjoy living with the Iroquois the most.

  25. Sioux because it has four season and it will never be to hot or cold. They move when the buffalo move that is cool. They see new things when they move that is cool. I would like to hunt buffalo. That is why the Sioux would be great.

  26. I KEVIN PERRY would join the sioux i'd like the weather i would hunt ever day

  27. The iroquois let me join their tribe. They had go hunting with them. I helped grow the corn. I had to grow beans. I helped make a longhouse.

  28. I would be a sioux because id probably die and i want t hunt buffalo
    and use the buffalo to make clothes and every thing but to make a
    drinking thing out of an buffalo bladder and we would have fun and have a great
    and i would have weird clothes to wear but it would be funny to see what an weird clothing would look like and i would eat the corn and see how its different
    from store brand

  29. I would also live with the Inuits. I think its cool to live to live with people who wear seal blubber. I would love to eat some lovely fish. My job living with the Inuits would be a Fisherman.I would would be living in the cold, but it would be awsome.

  30. I would like to join the Inuit tribe because i like the cold weather and would like to live in an igloo. I would like to hunt cold weather animals like seals and snow foxes and things like that. I would have to wear really heavy clothing from the animals that we killed. We would also eat the animals that we caught. i would like to join the inuits because i like all the types of fish and food that they eat and i really like the cold so i think that i could fit in good with the inuits.

  31. The sioux they would be fun cause they hunt buffalo and it would be really fun to through a spear at one. And after i killed it i would want to try it just to see what is was like to EAT BUFFALO. And another big thing is to be in a tepee for a home it would be so fun to spend a couple days and nights in a tepee. The best thing about the tepee would be having a fire place or the fur for beds. And i would like to live in the great plains i wonder what its like there.

  32. i like to join the inuits because I like to play snowball fight with the Inuits. I get to hunt fish with my with friends . My strongest fear is how will i get thought the winter season. I like to how they make blubber seal and how they take the fat out . It is excited to to be in the Inuits Tribe

  33. i would like to stay with the inuits because there cool and i like the cold and because i would like it to be differnt . then hot all the time the inuts house are really nice and they use blubber and the best part the use spears to fish. and on top of that the house that we stay in stays warm and cold but one thing i dont like is that we have no beds to lay i thats not cool at all

  34. I would like to live with the inuits cause i like to be in the cold and i love penguin's there are really cute and there small some are big. and i would kinda like to wear seal blubber for a while to see how warm it was. Plus living in an igloo would be even more fun i mean living in blocks of ice would be awesome. it wouldn't be to cold for me cause i used to live in Canada and the coldest i was in was negative 60 degrees celsius.

  35. I would just join the the Inuit because the inuit are cool and we get to wear seal blubber. Inuit can hunt with spear and the stuff they hunt for is fish and it gets cold down there like -30 it really cold. The inuit have to make your home out of ice .

  36. If i had to pick a tribe i would live in the pueblo.I like hot weather and thats one of the reasons why i would live there.I meet people to survive like Kaila ,Matt ,Bryce ,Gabi, and Catllyne.I liked where i lived because i liked to see the buffalo and fish.I like to grow different crops like corn squash and beans. That is why i like to live in the pueblo

  37. hi my name is kaila i just joined the kwakiutl tribe and life is good.I have made many friends on my first day Layla,Lilly,Bryce,Matt,Erika,and many others. During he day i have to cook,and make clothing while the men hunt and fish.i dont like being cooped up in a house all day but it is my duty to take care of the house and the kids. Our houses by the way are made out of wood.

  38. I would like to join the inuits because i like the cold and i want to live in an igloo. I want to see a penguin to. I also want to kill a fish and seal with a spear. The inuits are cool cause they can make igloos out of ice.(: .I wont to join the the inuits because they also can ride in boats to kill fish.

  39. I also like to join the Pueblo because i like to live in the desert also. We can use weapon to kill our food that we hunt. I like the climate because we do not have to wear shirt but only pants . I built my own house with mud, clay , mud , and sticks . Please join the Pueblo so we can fight another tribe .

  40. Kwakiutl because I love ran and i love mild weather and I don't want to live in the artic or the desert and because they wore animals skins and that will be warm
    And and because they live on the coast and it would be easy to fish. and they lived in plank houses so i think that it would be a great place to live.

  41. I join kwakiutal,because they lived in a rainy,mild climate. they made there clothing out of animal skin they fished and hunted and grew crops like corn,beans,and other stuff they made there homes out of wood and bark.

  42. If i had to pick a tribei would pick the sioux.One if the reasons why i would pick the sioux because,i like to eat corn.I also eat baffalo

  43. i traveled from North America to Alaska,to join the Inuit tribe for a day. Well of course i was freezing to death. but the igloos were a little better. Remember in Alaska it's BELOW ZERO. But the part i didn't like was drinking out of the water carry. The one thing i liked was fishing with a spear,and playing with the kids. I hope to go back to the Inuit tribe. Thats how my trip to the inuit tribe. YES I SURVIVED THE COLD NESS. :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
    Know tell me what tribe you would like to join for the day? ( Mr. christie)

  44. I would like to live with the sioux because i will never be hot or cold. And every morning i would wake up and kill a buffalo one shot to the that would be my breakfast i will eat the whole thing to except for the bad parts than i would move my house with the buffalo and rest for a while than kill another buffalo that is why i would like like to live with the sioux.

  45. I would like to live with the inuits . But i would like to take one friend with me so it would be my girl Treanya.But i would like to go just for a day or to o just to see how they servied in the could and other stuff like that. And i would love just to see how they make an igloo.And i would like to go fishing and eat the fish i like to eat fish .But i want to wake up and be in side of an igloo i think that is kind of cool. But i want to see how they make there clothing and what it fell like when you put it on.

  46. i kiyah would like to live in the Inuits because i thick it cool how they lived in the cold and they survie the cold. if i lived in the inuits for 1 day and i had to pack all my heavey close and pack close for my kids that will be hard and have to catch my own seal is different because in the mainland i just have togo to a store and get some seal for 24.99 and go home and eat it but in the Inuits you got to go catch it and kill it and then eat it iand the cold did i mishen thecold wow im use to being warm in California so my family and i couldnt do it.

  47. I would like to live with the sioux indians because It looks like fun killing buffalo . If I hunted buffalo I would use the horns as knives to cut with it. I would use the fur as a blanket I could also use the skin to make my tepee. I would use the bones as tools like a hammer or a use it to dig with them. Sleeping in a tepee also looks like fun it's probably just like camping.

  48. I also would like to live with the inuit tribe because i would like to experience how they lived by killing seals and fish i also would like to see how cold it is to see if i could handle it and the weather.

  49. I would liked to live with the inuits because ice fishing sounds fun. Waking up and going to sleep would probably be hard considering it's cold and all. I would have a job as a hunting person to hunt seals and killer whales etc. and gut. Inuits also get that nice warm blubber and to see how to make the clothing that they wear. and to see how to make an igloo ./

  50. I'm a inuit and I live were it's cold most of year. I live in a igloo ,my family and I ware seal . We fish in ice holes and hunt seals.

  51. I would like to join the Inuit group because you get to live in Alaska were there are penguins and polar bears there and seals and fish.Our food is meanly out fish. my job is to clean and cook the food . I get to live in a Igloo that is made out of ice. Thats why I want to be in the Inuit.

  52. If i had to pick a tribe to live in it would be the pueblo because i like hot weather and they live in the desert.i grow crops like corn and beans.I were clothes made of light materials since it is hot outside.I live near mountains and cliffs.

  53. I would like to stay with the Iroquois because i like to go outside a lot it is heavily forest. My job is to grow crops and hunt deer.The type of food i grow is corn,and beans.I live in the longhouses i use wood to build my house.I make my clothes out of animal skins.When i wake up in the morning i go straight to work.I inhabited from the Northeast from North America.

  54. Hi my name Treanya and my friend name is Antoinetette an we are going to the kwakiutl. we livd in the rainy and mild climate.We made are clothes out animals skins. WE lived on the coast so we can fished for foo.we made are homes out of wood

  55. I would like to live with the sioux. I think it be fun to move place to place and hunt buffalo.I would also build tepees. I would mainly live in the great plain region. It would be mild with flat land. Since the english have been shooting the buffalo for fun. Hunting buffalo would be harder. Living with them would be cool.

  56. the iroquois because they have mild seasons and u would not to cold or to hot! -lol :)-

  57. joey george I would like to be in the Inuit tribe because they adapt to cold weather and I can to . because inuits are a lot like me . When I go hunting it is very cold and I know how to dress right

  58. If i had to chose a tribe to live in I would live in the iroquois because they have better house than any other tribe and they have good crops to eat.

  59. I would like to join the iroquois because they live in the woods and i already know how to hunt. Well anyway i love my tribe i have already made a lot of friends some of their names are Kaila, Erick, Layla, Marline, Beth, and many more to name. So far its been easier then i thought it would be living my new life as a Iroquois.
    I have already went on my first hunting trip and i shot 5 big bucks[male deer]. It was enough to last 6 days for 5 people. in the long houses thats a lot of people in most of the houses. Alright it was nice talking to you, but i have to go pick more berries and kill some deer


  60. I would be in the Sioux tribe because they moved around, they just don't stay in one place. They also eat better then the other tribes because they eat buffaloes and stuff. They also had homes that what would keep worm. they also had better clothes that would keep them worm in the winter.

  61. I would join the Iroquois because I would like the climate . The hunting was very good. Meeting John Smith would've been cool too. Meeting some of my ancestors would be nice. The scenery was nice as well
