Thursday, March 11, 2010

States' Rights

Should the federal government have the right to tell the state governments what to do? Should federal laws have more power than state laws? Should their powers be equal? Should the states have more power? State your opinion and then back up that opinion with discussion points we have talked about in class.


  1. I think states should have more power be cause Washington is not going to know how things are going in virginia.

  2. I think state government should have more power. The state government is more direct to the people that live in each state. It would have a bigger effect if the president of the state told them what to do not if the president of the whole united states told them. Some people don't have anything to do with what the other states are doing and then the federal government blames everybody. The state government can just take care of the state they live in. It would be much easier for the state government to have more power.

  3. for the state president I meant whatever is in charge of the state!! i think its a governor?

  4. I think that the state government should have more power than the national government because if the national government has more power than the state government then the state government won't have any rights.

  5. I think that states power should have more control because if every state could be doing there own thing then maybe america would not be fighting so much and life just might be a little simpler. I think the fact that people in the states don't have a word in anything is just wrong so maybe if the states had more power then everyone would have a say in what they think about what's going on in the united states. But i also disagree with things because a lot of people may want federal government to have more power it may just make even more of a disagreement.

  6. i think that states should have more power because thats not fair that the federal government should have most of the power! here are some reason,first life would be better and we would all be happy and second states from here and there should do what they want (but illegal not allowed).

    So i think states should have the most power and those are my reasons so thanks for listeninging(sorry if my idea well opinion sounds dumb but i think its good!)


  7. No , The federal governments should not be able to tell the the states government what to do , because they have its own people to tell them what to do . And the state laws should have more power . Because the state is a little better than the federal ( that is just my oppion ) . And the federal has not that much power to me .

  8. No, i think the federal Government should have more power than the State Government because the federal Government would be more reasonable then the state Government because the federal Government would have more power than the state Government. And i'd want the federal Government to deal with my social life because they'd know more about what they were talking about then unlike the state Government !.. :-) <3

  9. I think Melody is right !!!!! GO STATES ! ! :) <3
    Federal is not fair at all by having the most power ! ! !
    They are UNFAIR ! BOOOO !

  10. Hi,my name is Fred. I think the state and national government should have
    the same powers. Because if the national does something to the south, than the south maybe think that they can do something to the north. Its not fair for the north to control the south and the south gets nothing out of it. Thats why the north should control a little and the south should control the north a little. That so the south gets something out of it.

  11. I think state laws should have more power, because the states need to defend and make there own laws. Therefore the president can go on and make laws for something else not our states. We should have power for our government and rights that we make on there own. So i stand for my rights and everyone else's rights to protect our states.I disagree with Jainishia because she thinks if we give the power to her then they can do what they want. So therefore think we should stand up for ourselves and our states. She also thinks that we will abuse our power but that is what the president will take advantage of. Why should the president and everyone can choose what we have to. Thats what we think and have voted on. The president raises prices and takes down our government we should get a chance to rule. That is why we are the right choice no matter what.

  12. This is not correct . I think it should be equal. The north and the south should control each other.

  13. kayla ramen is wrong fedaral should not have the right to control everything.states should control what the states do

  14. i disagree with amy, because state cant have all the power because then if the president said that cali cant kill then they can say yes because we have more power then you so we can kill . Our federal government should have more power because south can try to force slavery. i also disagree with amy because she thinks that states can do with they want and they don't really have anything to stand up for. she also thinks that the president just want to rule us but it is his job to help us he lowers gas and prices on things. states would want to have their owe president. and make their own laws and have a big congress and that would take years so their should be one president [A WOMAN]. THAT IS HOW I FEEL.

  15. To melody.. some people wont be happy. some people want federal government to be more powerful so they wont be happy! and you cant do whatever you wanted even if state was more powerful

  16. wow sara arielle whatever your gonna say im gonna laugh or something and kaleb what kind of name is fred and states are gonna have power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. They should be equal.

  18. I think Sara is right and Melody. Because we need to make laws for our states!!!

  19. I think the federal should be more powerful than the states because. It would be were the president would have too much power like a king and no one would want that. Thats the reson why we have check and balences. Thats why I like state being stronger.The govener would be to srong too.The people would be to strong. Thats why i like the federal should be stronger. :)

  20. Kayla , u r wrong and unfair the states should have the most power not federal !!
    BOOOO Federal !
    : ( : (


  22. I think states' should have more power. Because the states' know what is going on around us & also if the national government had more power they would only know what's going on in that particular area & not anywhere else

  23. kaleb is wrong nothing is gonna be equal

  24. yeah but some people will be happy a bunch of people agree with me!!!if you think people arent gonna be happy go to the federal side or whatever!!!!!!

  25. Damian Knowilng is Wrong because the federal Government knows what they are doing unlike BOARING OLD STATER GOVERNMENT !!!! BOOOO STATE !! thnx :~)

  26. I think that the federal government should have more power. If the states have more power they would try to force slavery on other states. What if some states don't want slavery. Also if the states had more power they would have smaller business. If they have smaller business there will be no jobs for people to work. If we have industry people will have more jobs.

    The states use slaves instead of doing it them selves. If you were african american you would be a slave. If you were a slave you would have to work all day in the hot sun. Then you would be wiped. Would you like to be wiped. Also you would be hung if you tried to run to the north.

  27. Arielle , yes u can do what evrer you want ! And you can porbally do moret han what they can do !!!!!!

  28. I think Kalebs wrong because they shouldn't have the same amount of power then there would be a big war.

  29. how jainishia?states should have more power cause thats just not fair because states should have more power cuz life would be better!!!!



  32. Kaleb is wrong because if they were equal then people would always be fighting because some people would be with federal and some with states. :\


  34. I don't think the Federal Government should have more power because the states wouldn't have enough power to govern their own states.:(

  35. but still its not fair arielle cuz people would want to have a better life than not a better life!!!!!!! the federal government cant have so much power over us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Arielle, you can't do what ever you want ahaa because you should vote for federal because the BEAST!! and know what they are doing ! so yeha !! O.o

  37. I dont think that federal should have control because they just want to control over everything :D

  38. thank you amy see arielle they cant have complete control over us thats so not fair like totally!!!!!!!

  39. to melody.. there is no point in saying that you can do whatever you want when state government is more powerful when the laws are the same when the federal government is more powerful!

  40. BOO ! Federal government because they are taking control of us and that is not right for us and the people that want to take control of us are the people that have nothing to do and they have no life but to control our life! And they want to destory our life !

  41. yes yall do there the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thats not fair that they get to have control over us!!!!!!!!!!

  42. i don't agree with almost all of you. i think we don't want to rule we want to choose for ourselves.

  43. to sara.. maybe you can but you would have the same laws if the federal goverenment was more powerful and when the state is more powerful! :)

  44. I agree with justin and jainishia because the states would have slavery. If we had slavery the world wouldn't be like it is today.

  45. jainishia they are the federal government they can control everything and states!duhhhhh

  46. but they are the federal government Arielle they will control us just like amy said!its not fair we should let the states have more power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. to kayla... i didnt say you couldn't do whatever I wanted. melody said that and im argueing with her about it! :)


  49. if the federal govenment is sooooo powerful then why dont you switch sides because states need to be frree and themselves!the states need there power too!!!!!!!!half and half!

  50. I think the federal government have the right to tell the state government what to do because they have weak power . The federal laws have more power than state should have equal powers. Their powers should be equal because they should be a team.

  51. I think no because the state government has more power. The federal should not have more power because its the state.The power should be equal because we should me equal. i think the states should have more to decide.The government is the one because they have more power.

  52. I think that national and state governments should have the same amount of powers but just different ones

  53. i think the states government is better not federal because federal would and wants to control us.. and states government is BETTER!!!!!!!!

  54. I think the federal goverment should have to carry the most weight,because it's dealing the entire nation . The state goverment only deals with the states and their laws don't cwalifide for the nation

  55. The National Government would be not good cause they don't know everything thats going on. I think the Federalists would better because they do care about what's going on, and they would let the states choose what they want to do.

  56. i think the state government should have more power because we can control. federalist shouldn't have all the power.

  57. I my name is Joe I think the south should have some power because the north gets everything another reason why is when they vote the north win every vote because they have more population. So I think the south should get some power too.

  58. Hi my name John. Federal government should not have most power. They should have equal rights.The south should be treated equal.

  59. i think that federal government should have more power because what sense does it make to have to sets of laws for the whole U.S.A a each state . but there should be state government too but very weak

  60. I think you should give the states more right because the people are what make the county not the government not really.

  61. I think that national should have more power. That way, they will know what's going on everywhere, not just in one place. And when something happens in one state, they can prevent it from happening in another, since they will already know what to do.

  62. Your right Devon. They should have equal rights.

  63. That is not right Brett. They should have equal rights.

  64. devon is wrong state should have more power

  65. I think that states should have more power, because the states need to make their own laws so we could be more united.

  66. I think the national and states government shouldn't have the same powers or the same amount of powers.

  67. emily is right state should have more power then the federalist :)

  68. federal government should have more power. states will just abuse the power to have slaves and force slaves on other states that did not want them. we they are lazy if you want something you should get are do it for your self. we have more jobs too and we have industry. think like a slave if you were one. would you want to work for some one else all day no right okay then lets stop the madness please.

  69. Like the national government says that something is illegal but the states should be able to call a council if they have a problem with it and before the supreme court state their reason and then decide

  70. i think chloe is right because the fedralists want to control us. i do not agree with ryanna because the national goverment do know whats going on and like i said about chloes the federalists want to control us... :)

  71. nice devon but i still dont agree

  72. hi my name is james and i think that south should get more power. and every time they vote they never win because they always get outvoted. thats why i think the south should have more power or the north would have to much power.

  73. i think Brett is right because the north does get a lot of power

  74. brett is right the NORTH GETS TO MUCH POWER

  75. I guess emily is right but I still think That south should have some power

  76. Devon your roung , the state goverment are going to take over congress,and were going to have a huge debate on witch should have more power

  77. That is right Chloe. You should have equal rights. they need powers.

  78. I think Brett is wrong because one state would want something then another would want something else and nothing would be decided and tensions would rise and create another Civil War

  79. all those people out there that said I was right about the south you have Very smart feeling

  80. I agree with Sam because if states more power there would still be slavery the U.S. and we would have to start another war.

  81. Therren no offense but I'm glad your not in charge because that debate could cause a massacre and those deaths would be on your shoulders and you'd get bad publicity from the press and be empeached

  82. How about if u don't have any power devon. Yeah devon yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  83. national because we is apart of the national gov. n we would get more money if it waz national so pick NATIONALLLL!!!!!!!!

  84. I'm jessica and i think that the nation government should be in charge because they have more people and they are better then the state so there 4 the nation government should be in charge :)

  85. they should have equal rights chloe.....

  86. i think the ferderal should have more power.If the states have more power they would try to force slavery on other states.

  87. I think that the federal should because if the state got more power it would still have slavery and thats messed up . But we were trying to be reasonable but they said that they still wanted slavery.

  88. I think they both should have equal power.cause why would on side have more powwers den dah other.thats not fair.and if i was on a certain sid i wouldnt like if the other side had more power than me and they will think they run me

  89. I think the states should have more power than the national government!!!!! The national government would never know how the states feel about the laws, if they had total control over us!!!! The national government should be able to have some of the power but not all of the power!!!!! :) <3

  90. What do you think about having the same amount of power on each side. Because that would not be fare if they had more power than us so there for that is not fare for us to have more power than them just like we got to treat people how we want people to treat us so we need to think of it like that so it we need to have it the same amount to power.

  91. I think that we should not have states right. They wanted slavery and the and the economy was jacked up they wanted us to do the dirty work for them. They south thought that if we took away slavery that the money.
    {they would lose the money that the slaves got them}

  92. no elijah i disagree because would you like if you justswitched sides then the other natinal has more power then you now

  93. i think he government should have less power then state because state nows whats going on in there state more then the government because the government has to take care of a whole bunch more then there state and the state government would no what to do to get there state better then the government .... and the people would have less problems because the sate would see the problems and they would be already fixed before the people could say any thing...

  94. i thick the federal government should have all the people the power what do u thick? and they treat every body right and they do not like slavery !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they make sure that slaves whould be free and we all live in a big happy world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  95. Thats good thinking but we need to have it the same amount of power becuase we need to treat people like we want to be treat mmmmm

  96. i think the state should have more power

  97. yes i would india
    bkuz i wuldnt switch sides

  98. Keyanna I agree with you . Because its wrong to have slavery.

  99. I disagree india because the state would no what going on more then government because if the government does not like something the state did then they would go against it and the state would be mad because that mite be whats needed

  100. I think the state should have more power.The federal shouldn't have more power.So the state need to be free from slaves...

  101. anonymous what the world i thick the national go national

  102. Ciara well Antoinette think that we should have the same amount of power so that they wont try to get get back at us so they can have more power

  103. dear india NO THEY DON'T HAVE HAVE THE SAME POWER because u cant have a tie one who WINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  104. yepp dats right states we in da state duhh we need mo power

  105. boo kiyah the state should have more power but youer right about slaves

  106. NO ANTOINETTE u cant have a tie someone has to win :)

  107. I agree jacob we should have a federal government will keep slavery from ever happening again.

  108. nodia i got you like slaves WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  109. Xion I agree with you about slavery . This was jacob hunter peace my homey!!!!!

  110. i disaggre with nodia goverment should have more power. i dont like it so byyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
