Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Political Parties

In class we have discussed the differences between the Federalists and the Democratic Republicans. In this post, I want you to choose which of these two political parties you would like to belong to, and tell me why. How does your beliefs match-up with the political party you chose? How are your opinions different from the party you did not choose? Remember to start off by telling me which party you want to belong to. Example: If you picked the Federalists, tell me why you like a national bank, not just that you do like it. Your answer should be at least a paragraph long (5 sentences), but you can always write more.


  1. i want to choose the federalists. i picked the federalists because they favored a strong national government and bank.I i didnt pick the democratic republicans cause they have a weak national government.Also the federalists interpted the constitution liberally. And i like the name alexander anyways, thomas is a weird name but im not going to get into that.But this is why i want to be a federalists!!!!!!!

  2. I want to belong to Federalists because i'd like to have a strong national Government. And i wouldn't have to be told over and over again to do something i'd have to be asked once. I also wanna be in the Federalists because i'd like to have a strong national bank. I don't wanna be in the Democratic Republican because i don't think they have a fair national Government. and another reason i don't wanna be in the Democratic Republicans because the have a weak national Government. And they also opposed national bank. And there leader was Thomas Jefferson and i don't really like him! :)

    That is why i want to be in the Federalists.. thanks for reading !! :P

  3. I would be a federalist. I would choose to be a federalist because they favored a strong national government and that is what i think is right. Also because they favored a national bank. Putting a limit on the states power would make more sense because its less complicated to keep track of what's going on. They favored industry and thats what i think is right.

  4. I would belong to the the federalist. I would favor a strong national government . I would favor a national bank. I would favor a limit on states powers. I would favor Industry. I would also Interupted the constitution liberally. I would be happy to work with Alexander Hamilton.

  5. I am justin coberly and i am a federalist . The reasons why are in the next sentence. i love a strong national government. I kinda liked the national bank because it got us out of debt. i liked how the states did not get too strong. i favored industry. i love the way the constutution was written. that is why i am a federalist .

  6. I am a member of the Federalists because i support the decisions they make here. I don't have to be told what to do I do it on my own. I make great decisions as if I had made up the federalists.I favor strong National Government and Industry. I really think they should limit state government and powers. I have became really good friends with Alexander Hamilton he really knows how to led us and tell us what to do.I do not like the fact that the Democratic Republicans opposed to the national bank. Since i became a federalist everything has became better.

  7. And i would favored a limit on states' powers then rather to support the states powers. i would rather favored and Industry then favored farmers & small businesses. I'd hate to be a Democratic than a federalists because Democratic, Federalists have better things than Democratics because Federalists have a strong national bank and gov't and Democratic has a week national bank.

  8. The federalist favored an industry and democratic republicans opposed farmers and small businessses. I would rather have an industry than farmers and small buisnesses.WE favored a limit on state powers and they supported state powers.And we liberally interupted the constitution they strictly interupeted the constitution. thats why i want to be a federalists!

  9. If I could be one of the political parties I would be a Federalists. I would want to be a Federalists because of I agree with everything they are about. I would want a strong national government because I don't like being the weak part of anything. Also I like that they interpret the constitution liberally. You shouldn't have to tell people to do something when they do it everyday. I also like industry and the national bank which they do because I love economics.

    I wouldn't want to be a Democratic Republican for many reasons. Like I told you, I hate being weak and they have a weak national government. Also I said I like national bank but they opposed it. They have farmers and small businesses but I like big businesses and the industry business. Thats why I would want to be a Federalists and not a Democratic Republicans.

  10. I would like to be a Federalists, because their believes are very strong ,and they favor good reasons to be a federalists. Also they have limits on there states powers,how they want things go. But on the other hand the democratic republicans interrupted the constitution strictly which is good . Then all the other reasons for being the democratic republicans isn't very good. The Federalists have a good national government ,and favored a strong national bank and with a strong national bank they came over come the damage if a war would hit. they also favored in development of industry on a national scale. Also the federalists interrupted the constitution liberally. That's why i want to be a Federalists.

  11. I want to belong in the Federalists because, i agree that a Storng National Government is better than a weak one. I think that having limited states' powers than have to support it. Favoring in a national bank is a better way to live yor life. Alexander Hamiton is the leader of the Federalists. The Federalists interupted the the consitution liberally.
    I would not want to be a Democratic Republicans. Because, if you have a weak national government then you can do about almost everything u can without many laws. Having a weak government can lead to many things that can go wrong. Having to support the states' powers is alot harder than just to have a limit on it. And having famers and small businesses is hader to find things to eat because you would have to go to alot other stores just to find what you need. And they interupted the constitution strictly. And having to oppose the national bank is not that good.

  12. If I could be one of the political parties I would be a Democratic Republican. I would like to be a Democratic Republican because i think that the state government should be stronger than the national government. Small businesses are also good. I like the idea of the state government being equal to the national government because I think the national government shouldn't over rule the state government. I like the way they interpreted the constitution strictly. I like the way Thomas Jefferson ran the Democratic Republican party. I think that favoring a weak national government is a bad idea because I think that they should both be equal. Another reason I think they should be equal is because one government might have a law but the state might not agree with that law. I disagree with the Democratic Republicans opposing the national bank. Our differences are they favored limits on states powers. And favored development of industry on a national scale. One more thing they interpreted the constitution liberally.

  13. I would choose federalist. I think having a strong national government is the way it should be because it makes everything more simple. Favoring a limit on state power is good because then one state will not be doing on thing and the other doing another just makes a big mess and i think it would just end up with war. Favoring development of industry is good because it would work better. Favoring a national bank would just be so much less confusing and things would be more organized. They interrupted the constitution liberally and that just makes more sense to do that.

    I would not want to be a democratic republic because they favored a weak national government and that would just make stuff very very hard. They supported states power and it would just make a mess if everything was different in each state. If they favored farmers and small businesses it would just take more effort money and time. opposing a national bank just would not tun out right. Interpreting the constitution strictly would be confusing.

  14. I choose the federalist because i think their ideas are better for the u.s. Also we would have a strong national government. Our ides are fairer than the democratic republican ideas. I would never be republican. They have a weak national government. Also they only have small businesses. We have industry.
    They never have good ideas. I would never be one of them because they don't want the u.s. to have a strong a strong national government. Why would you want one bank in each state because it would cause chaos. our idea was to have more banks. They wanted states to have all the power but that is a bad idea because the states would go to war over power which will not be good for the u.s

  15. I want to be in the Federalist because it favored strong national government had limit on states powers. I really don"t have weak national government and strictly control because i just want to have the limit powers so people can interupted the constitution liberally and have industry also i want a national bank because i gave us a bank so that we can have are businesses right. The reason why i didn't want to be a democratic because i didn't want a weak national government and farmers & small businesses are the opposed national bank because i might have better national bank.

  16. the reason why i like a strong national government so it was not like we had a king agin. the reason why

  17. I want to be a federalists because of the favored a limit on states power.Its a good match because i would want a strong government.I choose federalist instead of democratic because i want big businesses and not little businesses.I didn't get democratic because they have weak national government.

  18. I would like to be a federalists because I could have a strong national government. Another reason why is because I also favor limits on states powers. so then I could work in small businesses . And I would not like to be in the democratic republicans. Because they have a weak national government . And because they favored small businesses and farms . And because they opposed a national bank . Thats why I would want to be a federalists.

  19. I would be a federalist because first our leader didn't contradict his beliefs.Also I know no taxes sounds good but our military would be weak and vulnerable to attack.I think that no common currency creates a lot of confusion in our economy.I like the idea of industrial expansion. Also the President needs to do what he needs to do because that's why we elected him.

  20. I would be a federalists because their believes were strong, its a strong national government, I would also want to have a national bank too.
    Also the federalists have bigger buisnesses, They were also well educated, and favored a strong central government, and favored industy. I wold be a federalists because they are a stronger and better government.

  21. I want to be a Federalists because their ideas could be a better way for the future. They have a strong National government. I want both of the government to be helpful and tell us why we should pick one. Federalists has big businesses and I would want a good government. It might help our laws to be better. Democratic will be a disaster for the future and that will change everything.

    That's why I want to be a Federalists.

  22. If i had to chose between the federalist and the democraice republicans, I would pick the federalist. I would pick the federalist because of there ideas. They favord a strong national goverment, so that means we have more power then the democratic republicans. We also favored limits on states power,what that means is that they made sure other people didn't have so much power. They also favored development of industry on a national scale. I could have a better job then democratic republicans. They favored a national bank. The federalist was from the north where there was no slaves it was the free land. They interapted the constitution liberally,so they could do whatever. That's why I would like to be a federalist.

  23. i would like to be a federalists because of the favoritism of the industrial and big businesses because i have a business my self.I am a skilled worker. If were a democratic republicans i would not get any help as much as the small businesses because thomas jefferson favors them.
    alexander hamilton is a great leader and i favor state government more than national government but we wont have any common currency but i would not mine. : )

  24. i would want to be a federalist because they have a strong national government. and the democratic republicans had a weak national government. i would also want to be a federalist be cause they had a national bank. and they also have big businesses they do not have little businesses. and the democratic republicans favored farms and small businesses. And federalist interrupted the constitution liberally. and the federalist limit on states power. and the democratic republicans opposed a national bank. and the federalist favored industry. and the democratic republicans interrupted the constitution strictly. thats why i want to be a federalist.

  25. I would be a federalists. I like the strong national government because it would help with thing such as the law. If we did not have a strong national government people would not obey them. I also favored industry because it gives a lot more people jobs. I also like national bank because it gives people a places to put their money.

  26. I would like to be a Federalists. Federalists they try to get and keep a strong national government. They like to have limits on states' power. They favored development of industry on a national scale. They liked a national bank. Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalists.

    Thats why I want to be a federalists.

  27. I would pick the federalists. Why is because they had a strong national Government. If we didn't we wouldn't have any power over our government. Another reason why Is because they were in the north & the north was more wealthy then the south. They favored a national bank so they could keep there money their so If they get robbed by someone they wouldn't take all there money. thats why I would pick the FEDERALISTS.

  28. I choose the Federalists because they have a strong national government.
    I didn't choose the Democratic Republicans because they have a weak national government. The Democratic Republicans also have a opposed national bank. I think Im rather off with the Federalists because the Republicans favored farmers and small businesses and if the farmers do get paid that's not a lot of money. The next reason why I picked the Federalists is because I think that Alexander Hamilton is a better leader than Thomas Jefferson. That's why I picked the Federalists.

  29. I want to live in the federalist because it favored many things and power. They were wealthy and well educated. They favored the nation banks and the tariffs.If I had to pick from the south or the north it would have to be the north. I would like to have the a big businesses. Who wants little businesses because little businesses mean little money. Thats about it.

  30. I would want to be with the federalists. They favored industry and big businesses, that way everyone one would have a good paying job. They favored a limit on states' powers, that way one state would not have too much power. They favored a strong national government, so states wouldn't have as much power, and national would have more control. They favored a national bank, so the financial needs of new states could be handled with. I would not join the Democratic Republicans because the things they favored, I do not agree with. Also, since the federalists interpreted the constitution liberally, they probably realized that it was okay to do things even if it wasn't specifically written in the constitution. But, Democratic republicans would not do something unless it was specifically written in the constitution, since they interpreted the constitution strictly. That is why I would be with the federalists.

  31. I wanted to be a fedealisist.The reason is that the Demacratic-Republican favor a weak national goverment .They can easily overthrough congress.
    The Dmocratic-Republicans say that the president has the power that is stictly in the consituion . But Thomas Jefferson went aganist that law.I liked the national bank because if we ever have a war our money is safe. I'm glad that we didn't oppose of that. The other party doesn't have common currency

  32. I would be a federalist because I like te idea of industry. I would favor Alexander Hamilton for a leader. I would like a national bank because it woudn't be as that people going to one bank.The federalist and I would dislike a weak national government.We wanted lmits on states' powers.I could be living in the north so I wouldn't ba a slave.

  33. I would be a Democratic Republicans because they opposed a national bank. Why would the Federalists need a national bank anyways. I would rather be a farmer than a person who works in a industry. The Democratic Republicans interrupted the constitution strictly[word for word]. I like Thomas Jefferson because he gave us our rights in the declaration of independence. They also supported states' powers. Thats why I choose the Democratic Repblcans.

  34. If i had to pick between the federalist or democratic republicans,i would probably pick federalist.I would pick the federalist for many reason.My first reason is because they have a strong national government. They also have a strong national government as well. The democratic republicans have a weak national government. The democratic republicans also had slaves. That is not cool. That is why I like federalist better than democratic republican.Thanks for reading,If you did read it. BYE :P

  35. i would want to be a Federalist because i believe in a strong national government. Federalists favored a nation bank and that is also what i believe in. i would also want to be a federalist because i don't believe in slavery. slavery is bad and i don't want anyone to go through it! i believe the south should've been able to do their work themselves. slavroy should've never happened! i also like the idea of being industrial.i would rather work in a factory then have slaves!!!!1

    that is why i would want to be a Federalist.

  36. i would be a federalists because i like the idea . i will agree to favor a national government because if the republican win there will be slaves in the future . i would like alexander hamilton as our leader in the fight against the republican . i hate to have state power because they will have slaves and i hate it . i will support national bank than opposed it .

  37. i would be a federalists. because they had a strong national government. and a another thing is that they have favored limits on states powers. another thing that have favored development of industry on a national scale. and a another thing they have favored a national bank. and another thing is it is in the north and anther thing is interrupted the constitution

    i did not choose the Democratic Republican because they favored a week national government. and anther thing they have is they supported states powers.

  38. I would want to be a Federalist because I dislike a weak government and I favor a strong government. I would enjoy Alexander hamilton as my leader. I would like to live in the north. And I like a national bank and limited states power. I also favor the idea of industry!

  39. I would be a Federalist because i would be for the North. The Federalists also favored a national bank and the Democratic Republicans opposed it. I think Alexander Hamilton would be a really good leader. The Federalists Favored Industry with big businesses as the Democratic Republicans favored small Businesses and farmers.

  40. i would like to be a federalist because then it will live in the north. and then i would stop slavery for good. i will help develop a good industry on a national scale. and help end the war between us the federalists and the
    democratic republicans. and thats how i will be help

  41. I Would be a Federalist because i like the idea of a strong national government and because i don't like that states should have a lot of power because they then they would think they run some thing and the reason why i wouldnt be a Democrative Repulicans because they felt like we should keep slavey and thats not cool

  42. i would be a federalist.i india is a federalist because i did not like the fact that the democratic republican had al ot of states power because they going to think that they run everything .


  44. I would be a fedesaliists . They give us more freedom and are national government is very strong. We have a good industry and have limits on states powers. We interrupted the constitution liberaiiy. Are leader is alexander hamilton. Were in the north.

  45. I would be a fedesalists.The reson i would be a fedesalists is it gives you more freedom.It has a national bank.So everyone would have the same amount of money to pay.So it wold be fair that everyone has to pay.It would pay for a job and other needs.Thats why i would be a fedesalist.

  46. If I were to choose between the democratic republicans and the federalists I would choose the federalists. but there are a few things I like about the democratic republicans they favored farmers and small businesses I liked that because they wont go out of business as easily as they would but what i like about the federalist is that they can get more people in to a job and have a lot of people working in the big businesses and I do think the national bank was a good idea. I do not like the slavery that is one of the other reasons idid not choose them and i would like that the national goverment should have more power then the state power but I do think that the states should get some power but over all I like the federalists better then the democratic republicans

  47. I would be a democratic republican because i would love to support states' powers also because the farmers should get money they a lot they grow the good food we eat thats a lot of food you know i also oppose the national bank but i tell you i did favor a weak national government i read the constitusion strictly its yo boy peace out

  48. i like the fedraliist becuase some of the people in the north dose not want slaves and the democratic wants slaves
    because there farming will lets keep talking about how i dont like the democratic.they had storng national government and the democratic had a weak national goverment and there leader was thomas jeffrson wow how cool not alex ander is awsome yay any way lets get on track the favored in industry and the otherones dont favored in in durstry

  49. Hi my name is india.I would be a federalist because the democratic republicans hada lot of states power and they are goin to think that they run things and another reason why i would be a federalistt is because i want to live in the north.

  50. I would like to be a Federalists because they had a strong national government.I wouldn't like to be a Democratic Republicans had a weak government.I like the national not only because they had a strong national

  51. i would like to be federalist because it favored strong national government had limit on states powers. I really don"t have weak national government and strictly control because i just want to have the limit powers so people can interupted the constitution. it favored strong national government had limit on states powers. I really don"t have weak national government and strictly control because i just want to have the limit powers so people can interupted the constitution.Favoring development of industry is good because it would work better. Favoring a national bank would just be so much less confusing and things would be more organized. AND THATA MY STORY THE END BYYYYYYYYYY:)

  52. I would like to be an federalists.I like to have an national bank because i love to have an strong national. and i would like to be in thew north than the south because this is were i stay than to be in the south.

  53. I would be a Federalist because the leader was Alexander Hamilton. They beliefed that they had a limit on state power. They also faverd the national bank were all the money was kept. They did like having industy life.

  54. Hi mr.christie its kevin just say ing hi tell all the class i said hi davis pretty cool but not as cool as syms i miss all u guys tell ms.beck can take a nap she will know what i mean bye now write back later and i c,b,c,b,b,a,a on my report card thank's to you guys bye now
