Thursday, February 12, 2009


Would you rather have been an abolitionist or a suffragist?  Pick one and only one and tell me why you would have been more likely to help them for their cause?  An abolitionist was someone would wanted to do away with slavery and a suffragist was someone who wanted equal rights for women. 


  1. I'd rather be an abolitionist, because slavery is worse than men being superior to women. Not that that's not important, but slavery makes innocent people have less rights then they should.

  2. i would be a suffragist.I would want equal rights for women.

  3. I would rather be a abolitionist because I would
    want to free the slaves and stop slaver

  4. I would have been a suffragist. For as long as written history goes,men have always been in charge. The women who went outside and stood on the cold streets were not idiots like some people said. Only pure belief in what they where doing could have made they stand there, knowing and hoping that what they did made a difference. I wish I could have been there, standing in the rain, helping win women's rights.

  5. Abolitionist. Because slavery is wrong and that discrimanation.Think of it if whites were slaves.

  6. I would be a suffragist. I would be a suffragist because i don't think that women should be property to men. Although i believe this,i do think that women should be treated differently than men because women should be treated with more respect.

  7. I would be an abolitionist.I would have been more likely to help them because I hate slavery.I also think people of all races should be treated fairly.

  8. I would have been an abolitionist. All women diserve to have equal rights but so do slaves. Being a slave must have been terrible. Who wants to work for mean snotty people. Slaves have to work for their whole lives. Even if you run away there are severe consequences.

  9. An Abolitionist.Because slaves wanted to be free and women did'nt.Even though you were a woman other woman dint want it so why stand up for it when nobody else wanted it and slaver y is very inhumane.

  10. I would rather be an abolitionist because it would be easier trying to escape but also it wouldnt be easy trying to escape all at the same time.Let me share my thoughts with you so you can think about what I am thinking of so you dont think I am going crazy.At sundown it would be hard because there where night watchers back then.At sun rising or mid-day and you try to escape you would shurly get caught by people who own you.Besides I think Harriet Tubman was an abolitionist as well!!!!!!

  11. I'd rather be an suffragist, because I think women should have equal rights. History and Today proves that men are more powerful than us women ( or girls.) We have the right to vote now, but there are a whole lot of issues today the nation doesn't not push. Think about it, if you see a men and women. Who do you think is more powerful? Now some women will say women because they are one but typical you would answer a men. That is not the truth. We both are humans, live on earth,was born on earth and more. Therefore we are the same in my eye and alot of peoples. In god eyes. The big question is why aren't we treated the same?. One answer are Women don't like the idea. Now not all. Not 100% of women.

  12. i would want to be an abolitionist because why do you want to work for mean pepole when you can live our our life.

  13. I would want to be a abolitionist.Why because slavery is wrong.It is wrong to whip people.People should agree with me because would you rather be whiped or have rights.I would not want to be whiped.Slavery is bad.I am glad that I am a slave.

  14. Me. I would want to be an abolitionist because who would want to have slavery? If I had the chance I would help the slaves get free because if I was a slave I would want some-one to help me, so why shouldn't they help the slaves too?
    I would want to be an suffragist also because the wemon should have the right to vote. If the woman couldn't vote then it's like the woman arn't here anymore and that would be a BIG change in history!!

    :) I'm smartical!!
    - janae

  15. I would rather be an abolitionist because it is not fair to show ownership over people. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration Of Independence he stated that all men should be created equal, there for having slaves and treating them unequal is not what our four fathers wanted when they were estabishing our new country. Slave were made to sleep and live in poor conditions, they were also beaten and killed for the same things that were over look when done by whites.

  16. I would be an abolitionist beacause most slaves were treated horribly.If I was in that
    situation I would do everything in my power to stop slavery.

    p.s Why did most of the girls in your class pick to rather be a suffragist?

  17. I would be an abolitionist because I am a black guy and would rather care for freedom of myself before I care for a womens' rights to vore. that is my opinion.

  18. I would want to be a abolitionist because, slaves deserve to be free and have their rights. They had very hard lives and had very
    cruel owners. I believe that everyone is equal no matter what.
    Johnnie R.

  19. i would rather be a suffragist because i want equal rights,it aint right for guys to have more rights then us girls now that's just mean...

  20. i would be a abolitionist because i thought slavery was wrong because black people would get beat on the daily bases i also think every one should have equal rights.

  21. i would be a abolitionist becauseslavery is inhuman, morally wrong and every living thing on this planet should be equal to anybody in the world.

  22. i agree with Mazzy. she is right

  23. abolitionist, because i want slaves to be free.

  24. Both, because slavery is bad.And all people are eqale

  25. abolitionist. becauseslavery is bad

  26. I would become a abolitionist to end slavery cause I think slavery is wrong.

  27. I want to be a abolitionist because slavery is a bad thing for african americans and it can hurt them really bad

  28. if i get to vote it will be abolitionist .
    because slavery is not right to own a slave. is inhuman 2.sience less and 3.point less.

  29. abolitionist,because slavery wasn't right you can't take control of another persons kids

  30. I would want to be an abolitionist. i would want to be an abolitionist because i think everybody should have all the rights as women to.

  31. think i would be a abolitionist so i can have a better chance to be free.

  32. I would like to be a abolinist because i wont have to be a slave.

  33. I would want to be a abolitionist because I want to help my people and I hate slavery and black people should not been treated like that.

  34. I choose abolitionist because did not want slavery. I think slavery was unfair.

    i agree with Paris, he had strong opinions.

  35. I would be an abolitionist because if the Declaration of Independence says so than it should be illegal. It is just not right. Why should people be treated like that and work so hard for nothing?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!???????????????????????????????????

  36. actually i want to be both, because a abolitionist is against slavery
    (thats me). And if i were a woman i would choose to be a suffragist, because i would want ME to be able to vote.

  37. An abolitilonist because freeing the slaves was more important at the time and was becoming a biger problem.

  38. I would still want to be an abolitionist because slavery is bad, and it is against the declaration. If it was up to me id say that the slave owners should try to be the slave for the day and see how life is for them.
    I think the slave owners would agree with us and turn over to being abolitionists, after the first day of their turn. Still though it would be great to have around 150 slaves and 100 acres of land. I wouldn't treat the slaves like they do back then, But i dont blame the slave owners, sure enough they dont want to use all of their money on 75 cottin-gins
    Just to help the slaves hands. I would use the money for my family instead. I am still an abolitionist though!

  39. I think that women's rights should come first, and that could lead to the end of slavery.

  40. Abolitionist, because they were against slavery.

  41. An abolitionist was a person who wanted to do away with slavery. In the 1830's abolitionists began to speak out in public.
    In 1831 a Boston, Massachusetts newspaper called The Liberator was published. The editor was an abolitionist named William Lloyd Garrison. Garrison used the newspaper to tell Congress and the world that slavery must be abolished. Many people agreed with Garrison. In 1833 Garrison and others formed the National Antislavery Society which published books and papers about slavery.
    Remember the Fugitive Slave Law from the Missouri Compromise of 1820. This law stated that "free" states, those states which did not allow slaves, must return escaping slaves to their owners. Abolitionists did not obey. Sojourner Truth was a slave who was freed in 1827. She began lecturing about the issue of slavery. Truth was a forceful speaker. Many people listened to her causes. President Abraham Lincoln chose her to be a counselor to the freedmen in Washington.
    Another group that helped slaves was the Underground Railroad. This was a chain of homes and farms where escaped slaves could go for help. The chain of safe houses ran to Canada were the slaves could be free. Many free ex-slaves took part in the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman guided more than 300 slaves along the Underground Railroad. Frederick Douglass was born a slave. He taught himself to read and write. He ran away from his master. Douglass wrote and told of his life as a slave and gave lectures to groups of abolitionists. Henry "Box" Brown mailed himself from Richmond to the home of an abolitionist in the Philadelphia. Later he became free. Another person who helped Americans become aware of the life of a slave was Harriet Beecher Stowe. She lived in Hartford, Connecticut. Stowe's father was an abolitionist. She visited a plantation in Kentucky. There she learned about slavery. Stowe wrote a book about the cruelty of slavery called Uncle Tom's Cabin. This book was published in 1852. It became a best-seller in the north. The book was banned in the southern states. Later it was made into a play. In Uncle Tom's Cabin there was a cruel slave owner named Simon Legree. He mistreated all the slaves on his plantation. Most of all he mistreated Little Eva. She was a young black slave and Uncle Tom was an older slave. Tom tried to be nice to Legree. The nicer he was the more he was punished.

    PS: I am Andrew

  42. I would still want to be an abolitionist, not much of a suffragist. However if i was a woman then i would want to be a suffragist, women's rights SHOULD go first than men's rights. If i was a slave owner, I would see what it was like to be a slave, and see how much work THEY apply to what they do. Then i wouldn't want to have any slaves again, but thats ME.

  43. I would be a suffragist. because all women should have there right to do everything. they do not have to listen anybody to tell them what they are. i is better to have womens right, because then women can vote.

  44. i'm on the abolistionist side there's no point of taking over that old little life lasting people that they beat every day for doing something wrong

  45. i would rather be a abolistionist because theres no point in women no having rights

    alissa sweet

  46. Abolistionist,because I don't like slavery.

  47. I would rather be a abolinest because slavery is a cruel and mean thing. Everyone should have all equal rights, including SLAVES!

  48. I would like to be a abolistionist caues they try to stop slaver and if I was a slave i would like to be free.

  49. i would of been i really dont know but i think a abolistionist because today it wouldnt be like this anymore it would just be slaves working around.

  50. Abolitionist because it would be good to help some people escape.

  51. i would be abolistionist because it was wrong for having slavs it was not only painful it was wrong

  52. i want 2 become an abolitionist to free slaves

  53. abolitionist because i would like to help the slave

  54. i want to be an abolitionist also, im against slavery and it is sooooooooooooooooooooo going against human nature. If you try to add up the Pros and Cons there would be a 1 Pro out of 1000 Cons, whatever way you put it slavery should be abolished.

  55. I would want to be an abolitionist because I think slavery is wrong and no one should be treated that kinda way.

  56. I'd be both I'm against slavery and I believe that women are equal so there's my answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  57. I would be both but if i had to choose i would be abolitionist because a slave is not even looked at as human then and it would only be very selfish to just worry about womens rights and not slaves.

  58. abolitionist because u dont have to do slavery

  59. abolitionist because slavery was so wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  60. I would choose abolitionist first cause I'm black (they were mean to blacks)
    second is they were cruel to blacks beat them and spit on them.

  61. suffragist because I think women should of been treated equal to men

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  64. I want ta be an abolitionist. OOPS, I think i typed my name rong.

  65. yea, id rather be an abolitionist.

  66. I would be a abolitionist because i don't believe in slavery for anybody.

  67. I would choose abolitionist first cause I'm black (they were mean to blacks)
    second is they were cruel to blacks beat them and spit on them.

  68. abolitionist because Im black myself and i would be a slave so Im against it

  69. I would become a abolitionist to end slavery cause I think slavery is wrong people would be beat everyday or scared for life they would have to work all day in the hot while slave owners stay inside in the cool thats why i would be a abolitionist

  70. abolitionist because slavery is wrong and all people should be treated equally
