Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Westward Expansion

You are headed west during the period of Western Expansion.  You are either going to California to mine for gold, Oregon to be in logging, or to the Great Plains to become a farmer.  You need to tell me which one you picked, as well as, telling me about your journey moving west and what your life is like now you are settled and starting over.


  1. first off i would be a farmer!!!
    and while im a farmer i would be working out in the field all day planting all of of my family and we will eat.

    thats what i would do!!!!!


  2. If my family went westward, the would most likely be loggers We took the Oregon Trail. The journey was long and hard. We took 10 sharp to the point saws, half our clothes, 3 horses, an ox, and of course our buggy. We arrived very early one morning, and it was all downhill from there. We bought a house in the woods, got a license, and started our new and very successful bussiness as loggers.

  3. I am a farmer because we are are poor and starving.Our journy was tough lots of us got sick on the way and food was scarce.Now we are in the Great Plains and we are getting plenty of food for ourselves and getting some money from all that food left over.the only bad thing is I have to get slaves because i have lots of land, but i feed them well.

  4. In my opinion, I think just about EVERYBODY would want to be a gold miner, just think, you can be RICH. So as you can tell I MYSELF would want to be a gold miner, the trail I would be taking would be the Oregon Trail, when it splits, I will walk down the California Trail. My life would be pretty hard, because you have to mine for the gold, and it will be hard to get used to the changes in your life. :P

  5. I am going to california to mine gold.When I was
    moving west it took a long time to get there but,eventually I made it.It was hard starting over a new life and I didn't know anyone so you can tell I was on my own.It was hard while seeing other pass away and that made me think I wasn't going to make it,but I prevailed. California was like I just walk into Heven and there was lots and lots of gold.I became a wealthy young man and I later made my own resturant and it was called the "The Golden Nugget Rush".

  6. I chose to go to California to mine for gold.I took the Oregon Trail and the California Trail.The journey was full of danger and very long but.The good thing about the journey is that it paid off and now i'm very succesful when I mine.Now that I became one I have a very good life. (please no comments)

  7. I am running away to California to mine for Gold so i can get rich! I am leaving all the other Slaves behind. I sneeked into a moving wagon with nothing in it but chickens, hopefully this way i won't get caught. This trip is taking forever and i'm starving. I hope to become rich when i get there then i can have all the food i want and i will be the only slave that owns their owm house.
    Now that i am in California i am working all the time and as hard as i can to find the Gold. I have been mining everyday for the past week. So far i haven't found any gold but hopefully i will some time while i am here.

  8. I would say farming because instead of buying everything you can just grow it while you just save your money for something worth buying.

  9. I was sitting on the chair in the living room when my father came in. "We're going to Califronia to find gold and become rich!" He said. So that is why I am sitting in a covered wagon, driving to California.
    There are other families here too. They all talk about the American dream and getting rich quick. Though they say just about every one will find gold I know some families will go home with nothing. Though nobody listens to me when I tell them. They just laugh and tell me to go do the cooking.
    We came to the fork in the road. Half of the families went to the Oregen trail, While we, along with others, took the California trail
    When we got to the gold camp everyone got so happy.It was funny, watching them get so excited to go stand in a freezing stream with a pan in an attept to find gold.
    The first few weeks were nice... until Father lost all our money in a bet. Now we have no money to eat, and he still can't find any gold. If he dosen't find gold soon, I think I will run away to Oregen. I can live with some of my friends.
    (If you must know, I did run away to Oregen and became a skilled in logging.)

  10. I would want to be a farmer. moving there was though it was a long trail. it took about 6-7 months. but it was worth it , i am rich.

  11. well i would choose california because of the gold an want to be rich if i find the gold.
    the journey was alot of walking and at first i didnt find any gold but i kept looking an after a couple of weeks i found some gold.
    my life today is well i live in a big house an i already paid the rent somy life today is very awesome...

  12. I still think that it would be better if i was a gold miner, i would go down the oregon trail, and when the california trail and the oregon trail intersect, i will go down the california trail. when i reach there i think it will be sort of hard to get used to all the changes, for example, the weather, and everyday life.

    And i bet Blake made the first comment again.

  13. I was going to california to try to get my share of the gold.We are a very poor family so we are takeing the whole family for a better cance at finding gold.On the way there my youngest son died from a snake bite.When we finely got there we started mining right away.sadly we found nonthing

  14. I am going west to go gold mining so i can get rich.My journey is pretty hard threw this long trail.It have long hard grass and a lot of rocks.I been diging all day with my shoe.I only found a little bit of gold but when i find a lot of gold my new life is going to be alsome.

  15. I pick Oregon to be a logger. My jouney was awesome i met new people and it took a long time but it was worth it. Well my life isnt what I thought it would be like. All I do is wake up and cut down trees for 8 hours (boring)

  16. I took the journey out west. I took the Oregon Trail to Oregon to become a logger. The journey
    was long and tiresome. We ran out of food, one of the wheels on the wagon broke off and we had to replace it, and our dog Joe died. When we first got there, the land was beautiful. There were trees as far as the eye could see. There was lots of wildlife in the forests. Once everyone found there pieces of land we all started building houses for our families. When we all finished the houses we all went to go logging for money. It was hard work. But I got the biggest paycheck i could have ever gotten. I could have never gotten as much as I did in the east. My life now is way better than it was back home. I am the richest man in town now. I am so glad I decided to make this journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. I would become a logger in Oregon because in the cases of the other two, this job produces a better chance of surviving out West. As a logger you would work all year long unlike miners or a farmer. During a farmers off season you would be working, and with the miners there was little chance of you actually finding gold. My journey out West would be long, strenous, and frustrating. I would miss my family while I am away, but soon be reunited with them. I would be considered the "breadwinner."

  18. I travelled to Oregon to be a logger. The jour-
    ney was brutal and harsh. We lost twenty-two
    people,that included five of my friends.They
    died of snake bites and dieases.The whole trip took four months. When we got there we built a house and I started logging and I am making a good salary.


  19. I picked to mine gold in california.My journey is to find gold in california.I need a bucket and a shovel to travel with so that I can have my materials with me.On my journey I would be tired because you would do a lot of wailking.When I find the gold I am going to keep it and save it for my family.My life would be tierding and good beacause you like maybe might give people some gold and they might give you something back.Now that Im starting over It would be okay to start over for me.Some people might think that It might not be cool to start over.

  20. I would choose californina ,because I wanna get rich.The journey was long and tirring and sooooooooooooo boooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrreedd.When I got there I almost pee my pants. I'm tired.Gotta go.PEACE

  21. I would be a logger,because the job is easy, and if I go to California,there might not be any gold,but I know they are alot of trees everywhere. The journey was hard,and there where alot of people that was on the trail too,so I wasn't the only one.The new life I have now is hard work but I dont regret doing this instead of picking Califronia.

  22. I am going to take the orgin trail and then take the rest of thhe way on the california trail. on the way, I will eat marshmallows and pizza and drink soda and tea. I will kill boffalo to eat anf use for more clothing sometimes. When I get there I will build a house. When I first go to find gold, I will not find any. I will not find any for 3 days. After that, I will discover an invention that fids metal object, later to me called a metal detector. I will find the rest of the gold and keep it for my self. Then I will sell metal detectors for more money and gold.

  23. I would be a farmer and go to the great plains. The way there was harsh but i had a horse to ride when i got tired and bored and i ate grass the way there.

  24. If i could go on a trip i would go to the great plains and be a farmer.I would be a farmer cause its easy to get food.On my way to the great plains i would eat apples and ride wild horses with my friends.

  25. I STILL think that it would be better if i were a gold miner.
    because you will be rich and stuff. it will be hard to get there though.
    you have to go through a lot of dangers and friends.
    Yeah, i listed that a long time ago.

    blake didn't make first comment, ha ha.

  26. I would pick California so I can become part of the gold rush.

  27. I would be a farmer. On my way it was long and harsh. I would want to be a farmer because it would be easy to get food and i love animals and to garden.

  28. I would choose the oregon trail for a logger. At least I would have a job for money. It would change my life. I would be living laid back in the country to.

  29. I agree with Niles.

    I would choose California because I can get rich with gold . You could also get paid to mine.

  30. I am a farmer in the Great Plains. I picked a farmer because it is easier to
    get food rather than wealth. I would sell some of my veggies.It would be a fun trip on the Santa Fe Trial.

  31. I would be a farmer because if you farm the land for a certent amount of years that land will yours. So thats why I'll be a farmer

  32. I am a miner in california. The journey was long and exhausting. When i got here there tons of people working in the mountains. The first few days I found nothing but fools gold. Which I tricked a fool into buying for a decent amount. Which, is getting me by on food. I have made trade with people miles away but i got clothes and more. Beat that:)

  33. I would be a gold miner in California. My trip to California was great. I rode in a horse wagon. I went in the Spring. The weather was good, except it rained and snowed. When I got there I found a nice little house by the water. I found a lot of gold in the mountains. After I got a lot of gold, I moved into a big house and I got married.

    I EAT THEM!!!!!


  35. I pick the gold mine in californa. Because you can get money out of gold for your family

  36. i would have to choose farmer so i could feed my family.traveling would be boring.

  37. I would be a farmer because,you will have alot of crops and you will be able to make alot of money and you will have a good life for your families

    One more thing is California is always warm so you will always have food

    I would love to be a Farmer:)

  38. I am a farmer in the Great Plains. My journey over here was hard. I have no friends,but little family. Lots of people died because of starving and diseases.My best friend died and I thought that was the end of the world. So many people children are dieing.I only had one pair of clothes(white). My clothes was brown has chocolate,I was starving, and I was freezing. A lot of people said I should go to California to gold mind, but I said no.Once I got there, I was so happy. I farmed and raised a fortune. I am so glad I didn't go to California, people are dieing left and right over there. My family and I are doing great. My children are getting a education.

  39. If i had a choice to be two at the same time i would pick to be a gold miner, and a logger.
    because if your a logger than you can make log cabins for your family and things, and if i was a gold miner i would be FILTHY RICH.
    However that will be risky.

  40. i agree with Jordan i would want to go to californa for the gold and i could learn about other peoples culture.

  41. I would be a gold miner because i would be rich and have a nice life because i could start a farm even tough i would want to be a gold miner that would be the way i would ge3t food.Then i would start a family and the fram would support us.I would have my husban trade jobs with me so he would be the gold miner and i would be the farmer and a stay at home mom this would be my life if i was alive during the western expandion.

  42. I would be a farmer because if you be a farmer then you could eat free and sell crops.During my journey there were over 100 people coming with me.Half of the people died because they starved.After we got there everybody who went sold crops and made a lot of money.

  43. I decided that I would be a gold miner. On my way there, there was a TON of other people coming, more than 3/4 of these people who posted! Some insane maniac was trying to sabotage everyonne else, both totally forgot to get the kids.
    So we were all safe :)
    Then, since I was the youngest there, Nobody would let me mine anything, so I went all that way for nothing.
    I guess I'm going back east.

  44. i would want to be a gold miner so i could be wealth

  45. So,now that I am a logger I am rich,and have alot of things to talk about to my friends. Well I have a good paying job and it beats go to California and finding no gold.

  46. I would go to California so I could be a gold miner. My journey was long and difficult because I had to cross the entire US. I get up every morning at sunrise and dig for gold. I live at a boarding house in a small town. I pay for my food and room with the small amounts of gold dust that I have found.


  48. i would go to california for gold to be very wealth so i could buy thing most people cant buy

  49. I would go to California and I would be a gold miner. I would mine for gold on the side of a mountain.

  50. I would go to California because the have lots gold there and I could mine
    the gold.I got lots of gold there and I became rich.I also bought a house
    there and gave a lot of my money to the homeless.I ran out of money so,
    I started mining again and I was rich again.

  51. I would want to be a logger in oregon. the reason i would like to be a logger is because there would be lots of trees to cut down and its a challenge to work. My journey was long harsh and exhausting. It was all worth it though. that's what i would rather be.

  52. i would go to california to gold mine because they have a lot of gold i would become rich and buy things that other people cant buy so that i could have a good life i would also give money to build new homes and churches it would be great that is why i would be a gold miner

  53. i would go to California because i want money and its a good way to get gold

  54. On my journey i had to run, because I killed my horse for food. Then, I got shot by an arrow. Next, we had to cross the mountains. Finally, we arrived. When we arrived only 87 of the original 100 people were left. I am going to be a gold miner now I am out here.

  55. i would be a farmer so i can work in the farm

  56. I would like to be a farmer because you get to grow your own crops without having to pay for any of them. You get to have your own animals and have your own crops. Thats why I want to be a farmer.

  57. I would be a gold miner my journey 3 people in my famaly have died due to starvation my dream is to strike it rich but I do not know if I acomplish it.

  58. To me its hard picking what i would want to be. First of all if you were a "Gold Miner" you would be searching for gold. But what is the possibility of you finding even 1 nugget. Lets face the facts, if you were a gold miner you would have a 1-1000 chance of finding gold because there are like another 1,000,000 people mining in the same spot. However 1 piece of gold would be enough to buy you food and wood that would last you for a year or 2, sound fair?

    Now if you were a farmer you would need around 100 slaves to do the dirty work, but no body likes slavery these days do they? So yes you would have free food for your entire life, plus you could trade food for wood, and sometimes even gold.

    Then again if you were a logger you would have like 500 logs a week for your house and to trade for gold, and food. There is only one downside to that, You might die by falling trees that weigh from
    100-1000 pounds, thats a huge risk today, but back then, eh, not that much.

    So if i were you i would take my chances at the "colonial lottery" to try and win some gold.

  59. I am pretty sure that some people that read this would say "No it would be better if you were a Logger or a Farmer." But you are forgetting that being a farmer would increase the population of slaves, and therefore creating more work for them. They also would increase cotton and other products, which in turn, would make more slavery.......

    Also if you were a Logger, you would have a 2-10% chance of getting crushed by a tree (like i said above). To me it would not be much of a job. You only get paid around 100 dollars every 100 logs, 1 dollar a log isn't much.


  60. I want to change my answer. NOW I want to be a logger, because you can trade 5 logs for 3 gold bars (I looked that up on 5 internet search engines).
    And to me thats worth it. You can also trade 5 logs for 50 meals (i looked that up too). When i start my logging career, i would have a 2-10% chance getting crushed by a tree. Not really worth it, but I'm willing to take the risk.

  61. I would mine for gold because i would have a job that I like and maybe I could get some gold

  62. I agree with andrew id be a gold miner to get rich and be able to feed my family and freinds

  63. Thanks Nya.....for agreeing.

  64. I would be gold miner and I would make money and support my family so we could live and it would be good i guess to get a fresh start.

    byebyee :)

  65. i agree with Jazmin because i would work my but off too get money for my family and i can sneak some food too.

  66. on my way to the west i saw people logging it diddnt look fun so i went to mine for gold the reason
    why i pickd that one is because i would like to mind for gold

  67. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. I would be a gold miner.the 1st reson is cause i want to find gold.the other reson is so i can be rich.on my jerny i will have to go through indians and other people that are agianst me and the other people that are with me!!

  69. If I were a person during the westward expansion I would be a farmer.I'd be a farmer so iI could sell alot of the crops I grow. During the journey I saw some neat things, like animals and other places too.

  70. I would have pick the journey to the great plaines to be a farmer. And on my journey i became a great farmer. Grew lots of crops made lots of money. But most of all i encounter lots of indians.

  71. california to mine gold ,through my journey I took 1 airplane and 2 buses.I
    saw many creatures ,an indians and others that will try to kill or run me out of state.

  72. i'd be a gold miner so i could become rich, on my journey i saw lot of animals and it took 2 days to get there

  73. I would have pick the journey to the great plaines to be a farmerand on my journey i became a great farmer grew lots of crops made lots of money.
