Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Decision to Secede

Do you think the South's decision to secede from the Union was the correct call?  If they had not left the Union, how else could they have tried to keep their lifestyle?


  1. yes because then they dont have to be a slave state anymore

    yay im the first to comment

  2. No,not a good call they could keep the life style by meetings or things to discuss how they could still have keep there old living habbits

  3. No because they were cruel in what they did and in the long run they had rejioned as one entire nation known as the U.S.A

  4. I think that was a good call for the south to secede from the union.If the had not move to the south every body would be trying to kill each other and there would be a BIG cris

  5. They may have done to keep their lifestile, but it was not a very good choise in my opoin.

  6. I think the South's decision to secede from the
    Union was the right thing to do ,because I think the Union would have just took the slaves
    from the South anyway.
    Johnnie R.

  7. Yes because they did it before the civil war.But if they did it after the civil war they syill wouldn't be able to protest it!!!!

  8. if the south had not seceded from the union they would have to deal wit the Emancipation Proclamation then slavery would have been abolished. so Abraham Lincoln would have indeed freed the slaves in the south. and the south would have to succeed on their own with out slaves to help do the the work like farming.

  9. No, it wasn't correct. They NEED the north to do everyday life. For example....The north manufactures goods that are valuable to the south.
    Without the goods, the south would most likely have their economy screwed up. Then again, the north does need the south's vegetables, fruits, and other things. I don't really know why the south seceded from the north (besides slavery and the economy), that was a dumb thing to do in my opinion.

  10. The decesion to secede eh? Well, lets see. If you look at the facts, the north and south are somehow connected. If you think about it, its all about the economy. The south needs LOTS of things from the north while the north needs not as many things from the south. The south's economy would be dangerously low if they didnt get what THEY need form the north. Worst thing to do for the south to do is for them to secede from the union.

  11. Yes caues the south was very different from the north and if they were together it would be very hard.The slaves would not have no were to go when they run away.they lived by different laws and the south live by slaves and the north lives by industrialized.

  12. no because it just starts trouble and it cruel to have slaves they never did anything to us so why would we do that to them

  13. nope. not a good idea because you need to trade. how else are you going to get goods?

  14. yes,becuase they that befor the war.

  15. yes because there wouldnt be anymore slaves

  16. yes cause they really have to be a slave state nomore............p.s. mr christie stop givin us hard questions ppppllllllleeeeeaaaaaaazzzzzzz...........

  17. yes because then they don't have to be a slave state anymore..i think..

  18. yes because the north and the south are to two different regions and the north is more up style but the south has few school few counties and they love slaves!

  19. I don't think they made the right decision to not end slavery cause they should be free.

  20. I think it was a bad call. I think they would have started a nother war with the union

  21. i think it was all wrong to do everything!

  22. Yes because northern and southern were very different and with all the slaves it would be hard to have one whole union.

  23. I don't agree with robyn it was stupid for the south to secede from the North.

  24. The south should be more like us have freed slaves.The south must like whiping slaves and thats not good.The north is good thats why slaves run up north.

  25. yes because then they dont have to be slaves anytime.

  26. No they seceded because they had to. If they didn't secede there whole economy would have failed and they could have ket their lifestyle by sharecropping.

  27. I think it was a bad mistake slaves should be free~!!!!!!


  28. No I do not think they should have left the Union. The whole reson they left is cauze they thought they would have to get rid of their slaves when Abraham Lincoln became president. Lincoln wanted to keep slavery in the south. So if the had stayed they probobly would not have had to have gotten rid of their slaves.

    (I do not think slavery is good and I'm happy there isn't slavery in the U.S today. I'm just typing it as it is.)

  29. Yes, because they wanted somthing, so they stood up for what they belived. The north wanted to take states rights away. Like Obama is trying to make Repuplicans and Democrats work together, people just don't agree.

  30. The American Civil War (1861–1865), also known as the War Between the States and several other names, was a civil war in the United States of America. Eleven Southern slave states declared their secession from the U.S. and formed the Confederate States of America (the Confederacy). Led by Jefferson Davis, they fought against the U.S. federal government (the "Union"), which was supported by all the free states and the five border slave states.

  31. No, they should not have seceeded because with the connection of the north and the south it was easy to trade the manufactured goods.

  32. it doesn't make sense for them to secede, but that is their decision.

  33. No...because it was harder to trade the manufactured goods.

  34. yes, they should of secede. because the north needs freedom. nobody does not need to control them. they should be free. it is there desion to make.

  35. It makes no sense for the south to secede from the north! For many various reasons that I posted above. They don't need to do that and they know it! No wonder why their economy was bad back then.

  36. No not at all.
    it was a fair vote and their being big babes and saying my way or i not going to do anything its stupid and mean.

  37. i agree with brittany they should of secede. because the north needed freedom. also because the south was the people who had all the power. so yeah the north should be able to have the same amount of power as the south did!

  38. no because they made it so we had to go through 4 bloody, vicious, meaningless years of war

  39. no because it was hard enough

  40. moi thinks no because they had a war. if they
    didnt every person who died would be able to live the life that they could live.


  41. I like what Brianna said~ she is smart

    ^ ^

  42. NO,because they're life was already hard enough they would have to work work and still work they would be tired!!!!!!! =D

  43. well i think yes because they would be the only ones that keep slave an they need to do things on there own.

  44. no cause it was cruel and was not right 4 the south.

  45. what are u talking brittany the north did not need freedom the south did

  46. yes because they dont have to be slaves anymore

  47. Yes, I do because the Union was going to help slavery anyway,

  48. i agree with shaq even though his grammar was off

  49. the decision was right because if they hadn't the north probobally would have abolished slavery even though slavery is wrong

  50. totaly wrong..................... stupid dec.

  51. good call even though they kelp slaves. they had no power in government since they were out numbered by the north

  52. No,I don't think it was a good call.I don't think they could have kept their lifestyle.

  53. by forming a town that was seperate and making their own rules.

  54. yes since they want to keep slavery.

  55. no i don't think so about slavery

  56. I hate slavery, it is so wrong and racial, to the north it is, not so much the south.
    Anyway...those people that seceded are stupid.

  57. slavery is so wrong and not very good and the north is not much like the south andthose people that seceded are stupid.

  58. I dont think it was a good idea to secedefrom the union. It was'nt a good idea to secede from the because the south could have still went on with theirdaily lives even though the north did'nt want slavery.

  59. I think it was a bad idea for the south to secede because of that kind of life style they led the with slavery.

  60. yes because they dont have to be slaves anymore and be free!!

  61. Yeah and no. I think that they where just mad when they made the move.
    So,I cant say yes or no, because I would probably do the same thing,

  62. Yeah and no. I think that they where just mad when they made the move.
    So,I cant say yes or no, because I would probably do the same thing,

  63. Well i disagree with jeff because they needed to succede they wanted it so they got it.they have slavery nothing to complain about

  64. i think they did the right thing because they do not need the north.
    i think that they do not have to wait foot and hand for the north.
    they are not slaves so i do think that they deserve as much right as the north.

  65. well no because they wanted slavery,they were lazy they could of did the work on their own

  66. yes cause it helped the union victory

  67. no because you just dont leave for no good reason

  68. Yea and no. :o

    Yes because the South was in slavery, and that was bad, but no because they should have tred to do something about it.

    Keepin it reall. c:

  69. eran morie austinMay 5, 2009 at 8:55 AM

    i think that moving from the union was not the right thing to do, even if it was slavery is wrong

  70. JaQuAn WaTsOn{AkA}LiL LiTeMay 13, 2009 at 7:30 PM


  71. JoEy SaYs Hi 2 EvErYoNe: )June 11, 2009 at 12:20 AM

    i also like what olivia said becausee they got on thier nerves so the other group of people wanted to show how it felt. So then it led to a war that was totally wrong.!!!!!
