Thursday, March 5, 2009

President Lincoln

Do you think electing Abraham Lincoln president was a good thing for the country or a bad thing for this country?  Think about what happened as a result of his election and also how he is thought of today.  Give me a couple of sentences.


  1. I think he was a good president cause he didn't like slavery.He could stop it cause he was president,all he wanted to was help us!!

  2. It was good because he didnt want slavery to grow

  3. I think Abraham Lincoln wasn't honest. His name should not have been honest abe. Almost every president back in his time had slaves. He did not wanna get rid of slavery he wanted to keep it in the south.No one knows the exact words Lincoln said out his mouth. They don't know if Lincoln owned slaves or not! NO I THINK HE WASN'T A GOOD PRESIDENT AND HE DIDNT DESERVE TO BE ONE!

  4. I think electing Abraham Lincoln was a good thing for the country because he believed slavery was wrong but the south didn't think it wasn't so he had promblems. but he is thought to day as a famous prisedent

  5. I think that electing him was good because he did help us end slavery,but he did seperate the country so that was bad :(

  6. it was good because even though he did not get rid of slavery right away he still accomplished the task

  7. I think he was a bad thing for the country, because he was the reason the civil war started, if he left the southerners alone the would've stayed in the union instead of them making up the confederacy.

  8. yes because he didnt think slavery was right and the he was a storg leader.

  9. but then i also think no because if you go back to the begining he was i a weak leader and some times we want strong leader from the begining.

  10. I think he was a very strong leader and was good for our society.

  11. he was the best pres. because, he didnt like slavery he wanted to stop it he thought it was wrong and crule!
    but thats just my thought

  12. I think that it was good because he didn't want slavery. I think
    that made him a strong leader & a strong president.

  13. I would say a good thing because when he wasn't elected the first time he just said o no I lost what can I do about that so than he thought and said oh ya I know I'll just run again for president next year.So even though he wasn't elected as president the first time he got up and fought until he was PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES!!!!!L

    : )

  14. i agree with eden on this one

  15. i agree whit kalay but what if some one else was elected and did thesame thing

  16. Abraham Lincoln is a strong leader in some ways. But also in some ways a weak one.If he really wanted to stop slavery he should have thought out better.He barely did anything because he messed it up and even though he caught himself that is wrong.

  17. He was a bad president because he kept slavery, because if he said no slavery no one will vote for him and vote for the other guy so he kept slavery in the country.

  18. i think he was a good president because he stoped slavery>
    i think he was a strong leader.

  19. i think good because he opposed slavery so they would probably have to stop it

  20. Yes because he wanted to ablosh slavery and no because it did start a war.

  21. I think it was a great idea. He was strong leader for our country. I am glad he opposed slavery.

  22. if he was still alive now and people could be presidents for life i'd be the happiest person alive. = )

  23. but he's not so thats too bad. live with it!

  24. He was good in some ways but in other ways he wasn't.

    Like in a good way he helped the society and helped other people but not all the time

    In bad ways he kept slavery and only help certain people and treated others wrong.

    So my opinion is he was a good president but then again he wasn't some things he did was wrong and some things he did was right.

  25. Yes it was good because then we would never have gotten rid of slavery. The war would have never started so how would we get rid of slavery? The war was bad but I think it was worth it.

  26. I agree with Adarrah.

  27. I say yes because he was a strong leader towards the end and he came out the shadows(he was a weak leader then, was a strong leader).

  28. it was a good dec. he freed all the slaves. he did a good thing .GNAR

  29. Well.. Like all people he wasn't all good but he wasn't all bad. I guess he was good in the fact he got rid of slavery. I honestly believe that he should have left the Confederacy alone. But thats just me.
    So I guess he was O.K.....

    (No more hard questions Mr.Christie. PLZ?)

  30. I think it was an excellent choice for our country. Who Knows. Maybe we would still have slavery if he wasn't elected.

  31. I think Lincoln was a good president choice because he did not want to
    end slavery right away but he wanted to stop it from spreading. He also
    didn't want to start a war. He believed the nation was a union.
    Johnnie R.

  32. it might have turned out different if somebody

  33. i think it was a good idea because he changed our country and he was weak at first but then he over came all of it

  34. good thing because because he was strong in leadership, smart,and made this country a better place

  35. yes; he led us to a win and if he did not we would be a slave

  36. yes and no yes because he is known as a good man now and no because he wanted to keep slavery just in the south but i think it should of been demolished

  37. He is the main cause of the Civil War, if he didn't become president then we most likely wouldn't have the Civil War to worry about. However I do give credit to him for decreasing the amount of slaves in some states.

  38. Yes because without him we would have never gotten rid of slavry

  39. I think it was good.He wanted to abolish slavery.He also led the union

  40. Yes because he was not a liar and he was an abolishenes.

  41. yes because he didnt want slavery so if he get elected it will help stop slavery so today use colored people should be happy if it want for him we will still be slaves.

  42. i think that Abraham Lincoln persident was a good thing. Because he did not like slavery and he didi not want to start a war.

  43. hello I agree with blake

    he was smart

  44. it was a good thing because he made the US better.
    He was a great president.

  45. It was a good idea to have President Linclon elected for our country. Agood reason is he abolished slavery in the United States. Another good reason was he was a strong leader. The bad side to him being president was he left slavery in the south.The final reason was he made this country a better place to live.

  46. i think electing Lincoln was a good idea because
    he was a great leader in his time even tough he was loosing the election

  47. It was a bad choice people, why do you not agree? You are all saying this probroably because he WAS the president...You need to think harder. Think about it, without him as presidnet we would have had a lot more people alive back then. Instead America HAS to choose Abe.

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  49. He was very tall and I think he was a good man.He led our country to freedom and we are free at last.If it wasnt for lincoln we would be whiped.

  50. yea because he tried 2 help african americans thats y it was a good choice for him 2 b prezident

  51. i also think that he is a good leader because even though he was at the end and the weakest he faught his way up to the top and mad it and now on we remember him as the 16th president of the united states!!!!!!

  52. I think he was a good president even thow he was shot and killed but he was a good president.He did a lot of good things for this country.

  53. i think that lincoln was a bad person because he said at first that he would keep slavery but he didn't, it's not that he kept slavery it's the fact that he lied.

  54. finnaly!!!!!!!1!! someone finnaly says no!

  55. Yes because he didnt want slavery to expand any farther than it was. Lincoln was also a good choice beacause think who would have stopped it from expanding. It may have been here still today and no one would know how to stop it. We would still have people fighting to stop slavery and people bringing african americans to the slave states. Eran said it was not a good idea.
    Andrew what do you mean by we would had more people alive back then? Yes he was a good part of the civil war but he didnt want to totally end slavery he wanted to stop it from spreading all over the U.S. Think slavery would still most likely be here if it wasnt for him.

  56. i think that lincon made the north and south happy.
    he made the south happy becausehe let slavery only in the south
    and the north was ha ppy that he didnt let the slavery in the north.
    but some people might think that he was bad because he let slavery be here at all.


    - janae

  57. Abe Lincoln was perhaps an unlikely canidate for the presidency; but his honesty,intergity, deep concern for his fellow man, and fierce commitment to his country won his country the confidence of the american people.
    Although he cared little for simple facts,rule and methods,it was on the underlying priniple of truth and jusice that lincoln will was firm as steel and tenacious as iron.... When justice,right,liberty,the goverment, the constituton,the union,humanity were invled,then you may all stand aside. No man can move him.No set men can.

  58. it was a good choice

  59. I say yes cause he was a strong leader.

  60. abe lincoln was an unlikely canidate for the presidency

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  63. yes i think electing lincoln was good for us.because what he did for us was that he kept slavery from getting any stronger. because the slavery would have gottin storger.He also helped with the slavery movement.thanks lincoln for starting to end slavery.NOW WE HAVE OBAMA

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  65. He was a good choise for america, or was he? I dont know, i think he was a nice presidet...or do eye?

  66. i think lincoln was a good president because he didn't like slavery so he ended it. so technically he made a good president. Thats what i think.!!=)

  67. I think that Abraham Lincoln was bad for our country!

    -SpongeBob SquarePants
    -AKA-Carl Heaton

  68. I would say yes because he sign the bill that free the slaves.
    he also delivered the gettysburg address.
    the last thing i said yes is that the bill he wrote was the emancipation proclimation.

  69. yes,because he came to be an awesome president.He wanted to abolish slavery and i didnt like slavery at all. so yes

    trevor smith

  70. Abraham Lincoln, no he didn't want to end slavery,he really didn't care about it. He wanted to make people think that he was the good guy in every situation. I don't think he was a good president. AT ALL!!!

  71. yes becaus we wounld have been slaves today

  72. no because he did not think about the trouble that he was going to cause by war he is going to kill a lot of families, but also yes because we should not have slavery because it's a cruel and a kindness thing to take the weak and force them to be slaves.

  73. Abraham Lincoln, no he didn't want to end slavery,he really didn't care about it. He wanted to make people think that he was the good guy in every situation. I don't think he was a good president. AT ALL!!!

  74. yes because he wanted to abolish slavery and he did it. Now he known as a great leader.

  75. yes because he only wanted slaves in the south but he accidently abolished it all

  76. I think Lincoln talked about the "Gettysburg Address" in a well organized and elegant manner. He explained the whole problem with the Civil War, and he made a plan to help stop it.

  77. It was good because he opposed slavery

  78. It was good because if he wasn't elected, we might still have slvery and that would be the WORSTT. D:

  79. it was a good thing because if that didn't happen where would we be at today
