Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Colonial Regions

You need to pick one of the 3 Colonial Regions (New England, Mid-Atlantic, or Southern) we have studied, and write a "Day in the Life..." story using as many characteristics of that region from the Blue Packet as you can. Do not stop being creative until you have used all of them.


  1. I am Rob. I am in the New England colony. The winters are cold here. The state I am in is Massachutess bay. Here their is rocky soil. So we cannot plant crops. We have a lot of town meetings. They were held in villages and the church was the center of life. We had moderate winters. On the cliff side, we could see the... Boston Harbor. My life here is okay, even though I have to work every day here. Well thats my story. Hope you liked it!

  2. I live in Georgia. We have many plantations and large farms. But we have a small amount of schools but we keep most of the kids to help on the farms.

    We do have slaves and indentured servants. We get them to work on the farms. But whenever we walk away.... they try to run from us.We have humid climate and good harbors.

    We go to the the Church of England everyday. We praise the Lord everyday. But we always have fun. The kids love to play in the farms.

    We got a darn good life in Georgia!

  3. Isaac Jones lives in Rhode Island and he is going to see the Appalachian Mountains and this is the New England Colony. And here in the New England Colony there is a Boston Harbor and the Boston Harbor is a very pretty place to go visit. And also they have Hilly Terrain's and Rocky soil that you can hardly plant anything in that. And we have a jagged Coastline that is really cool to go look at when your up high. We have Moderate Summers there okay i guess it can get hot and sometimes it wont get hot. Here in Rhode Island the winters are very cold and we freeze our butts off in the winter so we try to keep inside in the winters and if we need to go outside then we will.
    Well that all i have to say about the New England Colony/ Rhode Island.

  4. When I moved to North Carolina.I was kinda excited.But when I found out I was going to become a slave I got disapointed. My first day as slave was terrible I had to harvest all the crops.I can already tell life is going to be hard for me.

  5. Here i am in Georgia its not fair that i hhave to pick cott

    Here i am in Georgia my name is Jainishia i i am 11 years old an i i am a slave .
    when i was five i was taken away from my mom. I don.t think its right to
    take a child from their mother so now i work on Mr. johnson plantation.
    He the meanest man alive. I am 24 now and i don't think we colors should
    have to pick cotton while the whites sit back an d sleep. We feel that its time
    for a change but most of us are to scared to say so thing because were we
    might get beat. One day this will end and we will be a whole.

  6. Here in Delaware it is awesome we have normal summers and cold winters. I live in the village, of course the city is to busy. The deep rivers are great for canoeing , and fishing. Over in Rhode island where i used to live they have rocky soil and we have rich farmlands. Here we have okay workers and fisherman. Living in Delaware has a way better economy than Rhode island did. I'm glad that I moved here.

  7. Desmond Savage live in New Hampsteir he is going to see the Appalachian Mountains to see how they looking like there and going to meet the river there also he traveling the Piedmont to the Atlantic Coastal Plains to see the good harbors there.He had said that it was very humid climate out there also then he started to going to the large farms land to see the animals and the plantations and cash crops,wood product and small farms also see how they do their slavery.He saw few school and few cities and he started to see the Church of England. And in the Southern Colonies they had Counties.

  8. When I moved to virginia it seemed boring .I came from Rode Island.We had way more things to do up there. All you could do in virginia is go outside . But there are no kids so its no on to play with. And for dinner al we really eat is crops because we live on a big dumb plantation so my mom thinks that we don't need to go to the store thats why she bought the plantation!! I really wished we lived back in Rhode Island . I had a bunch of friends there . Here I don't even get to go to school! During the period of time I lived in virginia I only liked to do one thing and that was going to the river. Well I know one thing when I grown I moving to Rhode Island.

  9. Hi, my name is Popperbobberflo, and i am living in Massachusetts. Our climate moderate summers and our winters are cold. We live in jagged coastline, we also live near the Boston Harbor. Here there are hilly terrains, and rocky soil ( not good to plant crops in). We also live near the Applachian Mountains. The economy here is lots of town meetings, they were held in villages, and church was there center of life. It was centered around naval supplies, trade and port cities, fishing, shipbuling industry. The political life here is lots of town meetings. Our socal life is village and churchas centered of life. Religious reformers and separatist.

  10. SOUTHER COLONY; I am living in Virginia my name is Justin. I am now in the Appalachian Mountains . I own a plantation with many slaves. The Atlantic coast line has many great harbors. I live in a mansion with my family of four I have two kids. There names are Justin and Lucy . Unluckly there are few cities and schools. So my kids will not get that good of an e

  11. My name is heaven and i live in New Jersey. Our state has economy's like livestock and Grain ,and Unskilled and skilled workers. The geography and climate are rich farmlands,and moderate climate. New Jersey Coastal Lowlands ,and harbors and bays,wide and deep rivers. There are big villages and cities and varied and diverse lifestyles,and diverse religions.

  12. Hi I am john and I live in the South in the state Virginia. I used to to live in Maryland though. If I could chose what colonial regions I would stay in the south but live in Maryland. I bet you want to know way I would live in the south right, well some reasons are that you can easily drive from Maryland to other geography regions like the Appalachian Mountains, the Piedmont and the Atlantic Coastal Plain could it get any better yes it can. If you are looking for a place to fish the south is the place to go because it has good harbors and rivers. All though there is one disadvantage it id really humid. If you like wide open space the south has large farms, plantations, cash crops, wood products, and also small farms. But you might want to stay away from land owners because control slavery. But you shouldn't worry about that if you do slavery because if you do then you get a mansion and a hole bunch of indentured servants. And if you are religion there is church called the church of England. So you should come now folks to validate call

  13. Hello,my name is Caitlynn and i am from Georgia. I am a slave my masters name is mr. Hardware. He named the plantation after himself, Hardware workers. Every weak my master travels to the nearest county. It was always humid so it made us even thirstier than we usually are. I make sure all of the worms are off the cash crops and i also make sure every slave gets a drink and much more. That is pretty much about my life in Virginia (it is horrible).

  14. As I walk though the New York dirt roads to the market towns.I look to my right and see the long fields of grain and live stock and then to the left and see fishermen. As I came close to the market I took out the money in my pocket and ran home with the fish.

  15. I am slim jim from New Jersey and I am on my way right now to feed my cattle. well done with that looks like I have a fool day . Now I am picking grain up out the fields it looks like I might have to go fishing today and bring the fish I catch to the town market . well Im out here fishing and I have caught a truck load of fish now I am at the town market selling fish today has paid off.

  16. Hi Im Brooke and Im from Rode Island. Today when I was walking on a cold winter day. I felt something hard while I was walking ,it was rocky soil, hard and nasty. When I got home everyone was called to a town meeting about the taxes. Our taxes were very high for what we work for. We all dicusted with each other and our taxes went down a little. Here in Rode Island we are all mostly Purtians. A couple hours later there was another town meeting about the Boston Harbor. After that meeting it was dark and late so I went home and fell asleep.

  17. Hi, im from the Mid Atlantic, New York. We are skilled workers.
    A lot of people move here. We have livestock and grain.Our farmlands are very rich, its a moderate climate. I live near the Apppalachain Mountains.
    There are lots of villages, cities, and market towns. Alot of people who live here work as fishermen, the harbors and bays are wide and deep rivers.

  18. Hi I am Buck from New Jersey, now days I have rich farmlands but I don't have slaves thats good. here we have a moderate climate so it was really sunny and nice over here. sometimes I go swimming in our wide and deep rives but I only go in the safe parts. When ever I am done swimming we go to a different part and fish and we always get spot that fish tastes good. Yeah now days for me are pretty SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Hey,my name is Mickey and i live in the New England colonies. I live in the
    climate of moderate summer and very cold winters. We have a lot of rocky
    soil. We also had hilly terrain. In social live the village church it will be as
    center of life.We ever have our own lil town meeting.

  20. My name is Tina Bone and I live in Pennsylvania. Today I am visiting my cousins farm. I am going by myself, and I will be walking. It is a pretty far way to his house, but I love to walk. I live in a small village, I could've chose to live in a city, but I like the quiet of the village much better. As I am walking down the dirt road, I think about how different the lifestyles and religions are here. When I finally arrive at the farm, I help my cousin Hayden out with the livestock and grain. I help him and spend time with him all day until it gets dark. When it is dark and time for me to leave I realize I have to stop by the Market town to pickup some dinner. I see fishermen and workers on my way back home. I love living in Pennsylvania where the climate is moderate. I will live here forever!!

  21. My name is Jon and i live in New Jersey. We have rich farmland and plant corn an other plants. In New Jersey we have moderate climate. I love fishing and I also sell them to earn money. I am a wonderful father that loves to work in the farm. I also love swimming in the river and the river looks sparkly and I love it.

  22. Hi my name is Grace and I am from the Appalachian Highlands.On a hot day I went to go fishing and then I heard that somebody was selling something at the new market so I went over to find out what it was. When I went to see what was going on I saw a man sailing newspaper. The man was selling newspaper because he was talking about how someone got killed because they didn't do their job so every since then I did what i was suppose to do.

  23. MY name is William I'm a politician I live in Rhode Island I am about to go to a town meeting in the village. It is a very cold winter this year an the hilly terrain doesn't help get there either. I'm here in 40 minutes it's over and now it's time to go to church what a busy day church is over I only have to go one more time.On my way back I meet some old friends who build ships.I made it home I ate dinner and went to bed goodnight.

  24. I am the unknown man from Georgia. My life is good I have good harbors. In my land we have slaves to do the plantations work. We have small and big farms on the farms they grow mostly cash crops. We have rivers and humid climate. There are few cities and few schools our church is the church of England. You should come stay with us for a little.

  25. Hi my name is jimmy whatsamagick and I'm from North Carolina. Down in the southern we have a few counties and cities,here is my mansion around here we have slaves and endechered servants and that concludes this tour

  26. my name is christopher im from pennsylvania. there is not much to do here but harvest crops and fishermen. a fishermen moderate climate so its pretty easy to catch fish. and the spanish stole all are fish.and we declared war!!!

  27. i my name is bob and im from pennsylavina its not much to do her but im a fishermen.And sometime I grow grain and live stock in the rich farmlands. I even pick them in the summer for my family. Me and my men fish up they harbors and boy when i get home i am beat. but i a very hard worker the classified me as a skilled worker the other fishers are unskilled.We got plenty of villages and cities but i like where we live in a quite like town

  28. I from delaware and I am a skilled worker. My job is to fish for the town live in. Today I cought 30 fish. I almost got fired because that was not enough for all the people. I did not get paid that week because Idid not catch that many fish. Next week I cought about 80 with some help from some friends and kept my job.

  29. Hi my alice cooper,and i live in virginia,it has good harbors and rivers and a humid climate.I live on a plantation and grow cash crops . I am a member of the church of england attend a school in my town.

  30. Hi my name is Jin Kakaz I am a poor slaves in Marryland . It was harsh in the plantation you have to pick cotton out the field . The most famous cash crops in the south is tobacco . There were only few cities in the Southern Regions . The owner of the mansion is had a lot of money so he want more slaves . We were not allow to read or go to school . I hope one day slavery will end .

  31. Hi my name is Charles and i am a slave living in North Carolina in the Southern Colonies. In this state it is very humid and slavery is a very big thing in this state and the Southern Colonies. This state has very good harbors and rivers. It also has large farms or plantations, cash crops,wood products, and small farms. We have very few schools and we have mansions,indentured servants, and few cities. The states in the Southern Colonies are North Carolina, South Carolina,Virginia,Georgia, and Maryland.

  32. Hi my name is holly and i live in appalachian mountains. and there the winters are cold. Anther thing is that it has rocky soil. Anther thing would have to be is that it has moderate summers. Anther thing it is it has the boston harbor in it.a jagged coastline . And hilly terrain

  33. Hi my name is michelle Jones i am form south carolina i have 2 kids where we are form it is good for growing crops and it also has cash crops and slavery and small farms in are social life we have few cities few schools and we have a church of england

  34. Hi my name is monica and I'm a slave in the south.I work on a plantation farm.On the plantation farms I grow cash crops,or as we like to call it tobbaco.If I don't do what im told then I get beat or worse. Its hard being a preganat slave.I already have one kid and another one coming to be continued

  35. Hi i am Alexandra Jc Jones and i am from pennsyilania. i am also a quaker i am a skilled worker. i Learned how to fish from my farther when i was 4 years old. We shopped in market towns. We also have harbors and rivers. We lived in villages and cities we also had diverse religions, rich farm lands, and moderate climate. The economy was livestock and grain.

  36. Hi my name is Bob Jr Meadows im a young white boy in Georgia. I spend alot of time exploring the Appalachian Mountains. They are very interesting to study. The climate in Georgia is humid most of the time. The geography in my life i here alot about is The Appalachian Mountains,The Peidmont Region,The Atlantic Coastal Plain,good harobors,and rivers.One time i was heading out to explor i herd the head people talking about then being woried about the social life of people who live in Goergia. Some people own large plantations. My parents live in a large mansion. My moms name is Brandi Meadows and my dad name is Bob Meadows. I attend one of many schools, John Tyler Elm. I have three brothers and four sisters.There are many counties where i live. On sundays i attend The Church of England. We have Cash Crops,wood products, and small farms. I have no in denturede servents. there are very few cities where i live.

  37. hello my name is billy bob and i live in Georgia. my family's names are joe, bobby, and fred. i spent my life searching for the Appalachian Mountains. i am starting to like it in georgia. yesterday we had a little get together and we had a spectacular time. we went swimming and my son bobby hit his head on the bottom of the pool. it was a terrible loss loss but i will deal with it. it is horrible here.

  38. Hi my name is Alberto Fransue. I live in georgia i live in a mansion it is a very nice place to live in. They're very few school's here. Around here there are really good harbors. There are rivers and it is very humid here. I have a wife named Rebecca Fransue and we have 2 kids one named little Jimmy and the other is called little bo-bo they are both very cute. There are large farms here, and there are many cash crops and wood products.

    THE END!!!

  39. hello! My name Bobby brown and I'm from mid-atlantic. My family owns a rich farmland and we have normal weather. We live near a coastal lowlands (which is harbors and bays,wide and deep rivers).We have the Appalachian Mountain we have a lot of fun and we have lots of skilled and unskilled worker have a good time at the MID-ATLANTIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. I am Christinia Pattinson. I live in Boston.I go to town meetings every Wednesday.I have a husband but I do not have any kids.My husband is named Robert Pattinson. Robert goes fishing for our dinner.Me and my husband are very very religiouse .We go to church everyday. My husband builds ships for a living. THE END!!!!!!!!!!

  41. Hi I am from New England.I live near the Boston Harbor. We have very cold winters up here in New England. There are many Trade and Port cities here. It is hard to plant crops like tobacco because of the rocky soil. See in stead of soft soil we have hard rocky soil. I always go to the town meetings that we have. That is my life in New England.

  42. Hi the name is Ariyon L. I am from New York City.My geography and climate is Appalachian Mountains I have the oldest mountain range in North America. Coastal lowlands they have harbors, and bays, wide and deep rivers.I have rich farmlands there. My climate here is moderate.I haves skilled workers,quakers,market towns livestock and grain and melting pot.So that is what my life is like.

  43. Hi, my name is Alison Davis. I am from New York! Okay so we have some of the Appalachian Mountains in some of New York. My sister Alexis and I always like to go sledding down the mountains when it snows a lot. We also like to have a big snow ball fight and i usually all ways win the snow ball fights! We have market towns as are political and civic life style. All of are next door friends are mostly from different country's! Alexis and i think its pretty cool to have friends from different country's! It's like are street is a melting pot! It's kinda crazy to be able to go over to people's houses and learn about their culture. Also to learn about there live style's they used to have!

    I hate to say this but i have to go bye ;)

    To be contuied!!!!!!!

  44. Hi im sarah from the new york.Here we have rich farmlands,moderate climate,coastal lowlands and the appalachian mountins.So when you come here you can see all these things.On the fram we have unskilled and skilled workers AND fishermen.We also have villages and cities,variedanddiversr lifestyles,diverse religios AND market towns,where I get all the great foods. oh I have to go now.

    by; sarah twotimer

  45. Iam from the southern are climate is humid and we have good harbors.We have rivers to,appalacian moutains,peidmont



  47. Hi my name is Alexis.I am here to tell you about my life.I live in the mid atlantic new york.I stay in an a state that have appalachian mountains with coastal lowlands with harbors and bays with wide deep rivers.Here they have rich farm lands.My panrents own there own rich fram land.Right now my pappa is builiding on and part to the house that we saty in because my family is coming to saty with us because they are going throught some thangs.Here we moderate climate.To me it feel so good here i have a lot of friends we all think taht the climate here feel so good.The economy we do here we have live stocks and grains.We have unskilled and skilled workers and fisherman.For our social life we live in villages and cities.My panrents own both an house in the village and citie.We have varied and divers lifstyels.We have divers religions.And for our polotocal and civic life we have market towns.On the days we dont have school i work at three markets saving up money for college.I work selling,making ,and fixing colse the next job i sell food and fruit,my next job i buy and sell new,good uesed stuff.And that is how my life is and i hope that you enjoyed my story of my life.

  48. My name Steve Harvy Jr.I live in Georgia.My dad is in charge of the government.We have a very moderate climate down here.I am a straight A student. Sometimes I get anything I want but most of the time I dont ask for it. Life is good in Georgia in the summer.

  49. My name is Arielle. I live in Va. It is very humid outside. My family live on a large plantation and plant tobacco. The tobacco we sell for money so they are called cash crops. We only have few schools and few cities. For political things we have counties. There are also slaves around my house everyday. WELl, BYE!!

  50. yo wats up my name is cracka jak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i live in the mid-atlantic colonies yupper sho do its nice and cool up in here in pennsylvania!!! we got the mountains and stuff i love sittin at harbors and rivers and stuff people here are unskilled and fisherman!diverse religions

  51. I'm me . I run Mid- Alantic we have moderate climate. i just got the whole land of pennslyvania .It's great because the rich farmlands gives me room to grow tobacco . The moderate climate ,and deep rivervalleys are great for fishing

  52. hi my name is emani. iam going to tell you about my life.i live in midatlantic newyorki i stay in the with applaachainmountain,
    coastal lowlands,with bays and harbors,wide and deep rivers.I have rich farmlands there. My climate here is moderate.I haves skilled workers,quakers,market towns livestock and grain and melting pot.So that is what my life is likeThere are lots of villages, cities, and market towns. Alot of people who live here work as fishermen, the harbors and bays are wide and deep rivers.and thats my storybyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!

  53. hi my name is kimora.and i live were there is alot of marketing and harbors and boys witch is the mid alantic people hre are very unskilled but there are deep rivers so it great to go fishing.aand theres lot of room for me to grow crops and tabacoo.......so thats my life hope u enjoyed it

  54. Hi my name is Shocka I am originally from Georgia I am a runaway slave I left 2 years ago on my voyage to freedom now I live in new england were there is no slavery now I live in New England and i have started my new life were I can get a real job and a real house instead of picking cotton and living in a small hut with animals every were now i don't have to do so much work i can just relax sometimes and laugh and joke with friends life as a slave was much harder than life now as a free man as a slave you had to stay out at late hours doing hard labor and constantly getting yelled at thats why i am so happy to be a free man thats my story hope you enjoyed!!!!!!!!!!_______


  56. Hi my name is lilly and i lived in the mid-atlantic in newyork

  57. Hi my name is india.I am from new york known as mid-atlantic.I live near the applachian mountains.we have modeerate climate.and very rich farmland.
