Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Revolutionary War

You are one of the ten key people of the Revolutionary Era we talked about in class. You need to write a short story about your experiences we talked about in class. A few of examples are: Cornwallis surrendering at Yorktown, Paul Revere taking part in the Boston Tea Party, John Adams convincing the Continental Congress to declare their independence, or any other you can think of. The story should be at least 2 paragraphs (that is at least 10 full, thought-out sentences). Be creative, but also be historical accurate.


  1. Hello, my name is George Washington. I was born in Virginia. I am in the Continintal Army. I am fighting British soldiers with colonist. They know the best places where to hide and attack. But we lost a lot of battles and we are hoping to win the battle of Saratoga.
    April 19,1765
    We won the battle for Saratoga and it was the turning point of the war. Although I lost a lot of men we won. It was a bloody battle but we might win the war.
    - George Washington

  2. I am Phillis Wheatley ,I am a former slave who writes poems and plays supporting American Independence. Today I've written 5 poems and 1 play. Everyday I can hear people saying they will have a war and then , they lose. All we wanted was to win the war an have some of that Independence.

    Until, one sunny morning around 9:30.... The Battle Of Saratoga! It was the turning point of the war! They had won the war. Everybody was happy.Even the old men who were about to pass away were jumping and running around. That was the best day of my life and probably the men too.

  3. I am Phillis Wheatley. I write poems and plays. When I write my poems I write about all the hard times I faced. I also write about the wars and stuff. Sometimes,it gets hard to think of what to write.

    I write plays also. My plays are about many different things. Sometimes they are like reanactments of wars. I also reanact some hard times I faced. Its very fun doing those things. But it can get difficult at times.

  4. When they first came to me I thought no. But I thought about it for a while and I thought I'd give it a shot. They thought I was the best man for the job. I didn't think I could do it. But when they asked again I said yes.

    I worked real hard and eventually I got some help. von Steuden from prussia he tranied my men real good. We were wining battles and weren't loseing to many men. After wining many battles we were fighting at jamestown. It was a long fought battle but eventally lord cornwallis surrenderd.

    ~George Whashington

  5. Hi my name is, Patrick Henry I am a member of the House of Burgesses and i am very outspoken. I have many ideas and they are very created too. I inspired colonial patriotiam with the saying "give my liberty or give me death".

    I am the major author of the Declaration of Independence. It is a paper that was issued on July 4th 1776. It is representing thirteen British coloines the became United States.

  6. Hi I am Paul Revere I am planing to dump tea into the Boston harbor. I am planing to dress up as an native american then dump it. That should give that king what he deserves. I am riding the horses to the harbor rate now. SPLASH SPLASH as we dump the tea into the water to ruin it. In the morning we head back out to the harbor with the small boats an splash the remianing tea floating on the top of the water. The reason why we do that is because we need to ruin it. That king is probably very mad. At least he does not know it was us because I would be hanged. They named it the Boston Tea Party. Then later in my life I say the red coats are coming.

  7. Hi my name is John Adams i convinced the continental congress to declare independence. Wen the boston massacre happen i was so anger with british. but i had to be on their side at court and it made me sick. I was glad that the four solider went on trial cause they deserved to go on trial. They all should have went on trial.

    Then i went to france and help write the treaty of paris it was a long trip to france but it was worth it. It toke about 3 weeks to get there i was very tried when i got there. Then i woke up and said lets get to work.So we wrote three one day so when we were done we went to sleep then three the next day. So when i got back to new england lord cornwallis signed it .


  8. I Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence . I was a member of the Continental Congress . I was the governor of Virginia ,and also wrote the Declaration of independence.They declared the Declaration of Independence in july ,4 of 1776.

    The most remembered sayings in the declaration of independence was
    people have"certain unalienable rights ".LIfe .liberty and the pursant of happiness .People establish government to protect those rights. Government diverse power from the people . People have a right and a duty to change government that vioilates their rights.

  9. I was an outspoken member of the Continental Congress. He inspired colonial patriotism with"Give me liberty or give me death". I was elected into the House of Burgesses in 1765. I worked as a lawyer and politician. I served in the first Continental Congress in 1774.

    I became the first governor of the free state of Virginia.

  10. Hello my name is Thomas Jefferson as you all know I am the permanent author of the Declaration of Independence. Thinking of it was hard writing it was hard especially with everything happening around me like the Boston tea party, and the Boston Massacre but i stuck with it. If all of those things didn't happen then life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness wouldn't have inspired my readers of the Declaration.
    All of the people around me contribute to all the things and wrote like John Adams and Paul Revere.If you have read the Declaration of Independence It will tell what we have gone through and how we got through it. It also tells about our rights we all have. In the Boston Massacre the soldiers and innocent people that were hurt and brought to trial. Thats why i wrote to help the people.

  11. My name is Phillis Wheatley, and Im a person who wrote poems and plays supporting American Independence. The kind of poems i would have are rhymes and more. My plays would be short and where people would like and enjoy. i was a slave so i had to do things

  12. We are in war with England.I am the commander in chief for the Continental Army. The colonists are fighting for independence. So i helped them fight for it. Then Horactio Gates took over saratoga. That proved to france that they could win the war. So france and spain sent money and supplies/weapons.
    Baron vonsteuben helped me turn the colonists into a army.We almost didn't survive the winter.

  13. Hi my name is Phillis Wheatly I wrote poems and plays supporting American independence.I like to put in details so the people will be in to my poems.I like my poems to have flow and to make sense.I want people to enjoy and smile and say i like that poem.I was a slave who wrote poems and plays.

  14. Hello my name is George Washington. I am the President & leader of the Continental Army. We lost many battles & lost many men. I can't believe we won the battle of Saratoga because our men were just farmers & stuff & the other army was trained. The Battle of saratoga was even the turning point of the war.
    It took a lot of work for the battle of saratoga. I haven't talked about Yorktown yet because the battle just ended. Well Lord Cornwallis surrendered. That Lazy Scum We are going to treat him bad. Well THAT MARKED THE END OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR SO GOOD DAY.
    -George Washington

  15. hello, i am Thomas Jefferson. i am the major author of the Declaration of Independence. i was also a member of the Continental Congress. i was the governer of Virginia. i was also the 3rd president of the United States! i was also the leader of democratic republicans. John adams and myself died on the same day but, i died first and people say John adams last few words were I'm happy that thomas jefferson will still be here we died in the year of 1826!
    I thomas jefferson am going to tell you a little bit about the declaration of independence. it stated that people have certain unalible rights ( life liberty and the pursuit of happiness). people establish goverment to protect those rights. The declaration of independence happened in July,4 1776!! The declaration of independence is a big part of our life's!!

  16. Hi my name is my name is George Washington and was a leader. The reason I was picked to serve as a commander in the Continental Army because i was experienced. Benjamin Franklin and John Adams said I was tall and stood over everybody. The Battle Of Lexington and Concord was a success aginist the british. After the war we started walking.

    Battle Of Saratoga was another success and it was the turning point of the was,but we had help. We had help from von Steuve and French and Spanish. He taught how to march and shot. After Battle Of Saratoga we headed to Valley Forge. When we got to Valley Forge it cold. Peoples feet were cold and some peoples shoes were evan gone it was so cold. People were dying from starvation and hypothermia. I kept on saying we got to keep on guard so the british don't leave Philidalphia. With it freezing we tried to put houses up, but they were poorly buildt. Only one side of the house had a fireplaces. When the spring came around it got a little better, but malaria was bad with the misqueitos around. Finally we went back to Boston and we were agausted from war. We had lost alot of people during the war and Valley Forge. I died of old age.

  17. I am Phillis Wheatlie . what I do is write poems and plays. all the poems I do is about the things I have gone through in life.I even sometimes I write about wars .Most of the time it gets hard to think about what to write about. Most of the poems I write about have flow. When I write plays it is usually about independence . When Im done wit plays want people to say that is the best.

  18. My name is George Washington. I was born in the state of Virginia. I was chosen to lead the American troops because they knew I was a strong leader, and I had experience. The first armed battle of the war was at Lexington and Concord. After suffering at Valley Forge, my troops got some luck. A man named Baron von Steuben came and taught us how to march and drill properly, so we would be a better army.

    After that, we were ready to fight! Then it was the turning point of the war: the battle of Saratoga. That helped us a lot because it convinced France to become an ally of us. When the battle at Yorktown came, my men were ready to win. They gave it all they had, and eventually Lord Cornwallis surrendered. When the war was over the Treaty of Paris was signed.I was so proud of my troops!

  19. Hi my name is George Washington , I was the leader of the continental army. I helped my fellow Americans to win the Revolutionary war. I had to prove that I have strong leadership to france. Later France helped us win the Revolutionary war. They brought soldiers to help us win.
    In winter a harsh snowy day, soldiers were hungry ,cold, and some didn't have boots. They use clothing to protect their feet from the icy ,cold shivery ,harsh snow. They had to see if the the british was gone. They had to bring soldiers to get them out because they were freezing to death. In York Town Lord Cornwallis surrendered and then Treaty of Paris was signed by King George 111 . Later on I, George Washington Was the first president of the United State of America. I proud of myself that I was president. I serve for four years ,then soon I died years later.

  20. Hi my name is John Locke I was an english philosopher that died 70 years before the revolutionary war. I influenced those of Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin. Also I think people have natural rights to life, liberty, and property. Government is created to protect the rights of people. They also have the limited and specific powers the people consent to give it. I said "The redcoats are coming".

  21. hi i AM George Washington, I am from the us, northern virginia. I am the commander and chief of the Continetal Army I and my soldiers fight for our indepence evey day.the colonies started to say hey we need some indepence when england stared to tax themThis led to the boston massacre led by the quartaring acts in 1774.the.Quarting act were when england said that british soldiers had to stay in the colonist's houses with out them having any say .The hasent been looking so good so far after the bristish were killing all my soliders in the lexington and concord it was the first armed battle of the war.But then the battle of Saratoga. Some people say it was the a major turning point of the war but i say it was a plain out victory for my troops.we even had to stake out in valley forge in philli.he had to walk bare feet in the snowy forest and had to eat bread as hard as bricks some of my troops even tied shirts and clothing on there feet. But the for this allwas to make sur that the british army did not leave the town.But the we had another battle at Yorktown were the british genenral surrendered to us this was the end of all battles of the war.This led to england signing the treaty of paris in 1783 this gave our indepence. finally all of the colonies got their freedom!!!!!1

  22. hello my name is george washington i was the leader of the continentel army. and i fought the british soldiers with the colonist. and i had to turn ordanary farmers into warriors. and they where out in the cold so the british soldiers did not leave philidelpha. and they where supposed to send them food but they gave them any food. and almost every body died from being to cold. and some people died from being to hot. and the afterwards they went to battle in saratoga. then they won the battle of saratoga . it was also the turning point of the war.

  23. Hello, I am George washington I was the Commander and Chief of the Continental Army. Benjamin Franklin thought I would be good strong leader. I was taller than the usual man that made me stand out. von Steuben help me get my troops together. France and Spain also help me out by sending me stuff and fighting people in other parts of the world. My victory at Saratoga was the turning in the Revolutionary War. I died in 1799.

  24. Hi Im Thomas Jefferson. I wrote that Declaration Of Independence.
    The Declaration Of Independence was declared July 4, of 1776, when the colonies declared independence from England.I was the major author of the Declaration Of the Independence. The Declaration Of Independence was mostly about - People have unalienable rights that can not be taken away life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Government derives power from the people. People have a right and a duty to change government that violates their rights.I was a member of the Continental Congress. I was governor of Virginia.
    I Thomas Jefferson died in 1826.

  25. My name is Patrick Henry. I was apart of the House of Burgesses.I was outspoken member.I was also a patriot ( for those who did not know).I wrote one speech that played a big part of the war. The name of this speech was ( GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE DEATH). This speech gave the soldiers strength to fight for our freedom! I inspired many people whit that speech.I was alive in during the Revolutionary War.I am Patrick Henry

  26. Hi my name is George Washington I am the lead general in the Continental Army. You may know me better by the battle at York town and how I trapped and captured Cornwallis. The fight was long and hard at Valley Forge many of my men died because Congress was stingy with supplies. We had to use cloth as shoes and eat our horses. And my men were not soldiers they were farmers with guns what good is that. Finally the people heard our cry and sent supplies and a young man named BaronVonSteuben he whipped them into soldiers. And the battle of Long Island where they thought they had us cornered.I called a retreat to regroup and rearm we left the fire going and everything. If you the first their you were last on the ship. -George Washington

  27. Hey my is thomas jefferson many people know me as a famous author of the declaration of independence. the people declared the declaration of independence on july 4 ,1776. The declaration of independence stated that people should have certain rights (rights that shouldn't be taken away)life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Another way to say this is natural (inherent)right Goverment a derives power from the people.
    I was a member of the continental congress and a governor of virginia. The sad part was when i died was a good person.iI died july 4,1826 the day i wrote the declation of independence.

  28. hey my name is Phillis Wheatley I am a former slave i have been a slave all my life but one thing i do is write poems and plays supporting American Independence i am know working on a play telling about Thomas Jefferson and the declaration of independence and how that is really importan and i am praying that me and my daghter gabrielle can be free some day. thanks hope some one will read this and help me


  30. hi my name is george washington. i was the commander of the continental army. i also led my troops through valley forge. Valley Forge was a hard time cause it was cold and it was harsh. The weather was very very cold and it was snowing. here is one thing that happened. There we were in valley forge, the weather was fierce with wind speeds up to 60 mph, the temperature was minus 20 degrees! It was hard for me and my troops because we didn't have the training to survive through such fierce weather. we had hardly any food and we were starving. Many of my troops died from either starvation or disease because they didn't have the medicines they needed to keep them alive. so they lost many soldiers in valley forge.


  31. Hello, my name is Thomas Jefferson. i am the man who wrote the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence was written on july 4th, 1776 when the colonies declared independence from England. In the Declaration of Independence it states that people have "certain unalienable rights", People establish government to protect those rights, government derives power from the people, and people have a right and a duty to change a government that violates their rights. I was a member of the continental congress and i was also a governor of virginia. The king doesn't have all the rights to the people anymore. I died july 4th 1826, and died a very famous man for everything i have done in my life i am very much appreciated.

  32. hello i am george washington commander of the continental army . I was brave,fearless, and smart . It was a long winter at fort valley . a lot of the soldier die from starvation, disease, and frost bite . we have no warm clothes to wear and our shoe were rip so we have to walk bear feet . late on women made us cloth to wear . von Steuben train the soldier how to fight and drill . we trapped lord cornwallis in york town .We kept fire at cornwallis troop . then he surrendered at york town and we sign the treaty of paris . Then i became the first president .

  33. Hello my name is Thomas Jefferson you must now me from the declaration of independence. The people declared the declaration of independence on july 4,1776. certain rights that can't

  34. Ally Wahl :) :) :):)January 21, 2010 at 9:32 AM

    Hello i am Phillis wheatley. Im a former slave who liked to wright poems and plays. Sometimes i talk to this lady and read her some of my poems and plays. I also supported the american independence. When i wright poems and plays most the time i wright about what happened in the past or about wars.

  35. I am the person who led the continental army.I led the continental army for my and my people's freedom.I am brave,smart, and courageos.I am also 64in.I had very strong leadership. Von Stueben trained my men very well. had very strong hope in my army winning the war.It was very challeging for the war. I AM GEORGE WASHINGTON.

  36. Hi my name is george washington i am the the commander of the continental army.I won the battle at york town and captured lord cornwallis,the fight at Valley was long and hard and many people died,we had very little supplies.We had to eat our horses and other things,and many of my soldiers were farmers and young men who had little experience!A man named Baron VonSteuben he trained them and turned them into soldiers.

  37. I am Phillis Wheatly.I wrote poems and plays.I wrote the peoms to support the war.I love writting poems it makes me happy. My best friend is Jacob. Jacob encourages me to write my poems. Sometimes sing my poems..

  38. Hi my name is Thomas Jefferson. Some people know me as the author of Declaration Of Independence. The document was approved by the colonists on July 4,1776. When the people declared independence from England. The Declaration Of Independence stated that people should have certain unalienable rights, That means that rights cannot be taken away. It also states Life,liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. Also it states that the government derives power from the people. That means
    people have a right and a duty to change a goverment that violates their rights.Thats all you need know about me.

  39. i am Phillis Wheatley. I Was a former slave and i wrote plays and poems supporting american independence.

  40. hi my name is thomas jefferson. i wrote the declaration of independenceThe declaration of independence stated that people should have certain rights (rights that shouldn't be taken away)life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Another way to say this is natural (inherent)right t. I was governor of Virginia. it also states life, liberty,and the pursuit of happiness. he was the major author. i was a member of continental congress.byyyyyy

  41. I am Thomas Jefferson. Some of you may know as the author of the Declaration of Independence. The colonists approved the document on July4,1776. It also declared independence from england. This document also gave the people certain unalienable rights,It means that this rights can not be taken away.It also say that they have the right to Life,Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is also written that government derives power from the people. Some say that it says that people have the right to change the government. I would like to thank John locks for his great ideas. Thank you for listening to me today.

  42. (:lilly alison galloway:)January 25, 2010 at 9:37 AM

    Hey, my name is George Washington. I was asked to be the commander of the Continental Army. i said that i would be the commander of the Continental Army. Later after the war (that we won!!). The people asked me to be their king and i said NO, but then they asked me to be their president!!! I answered back to them and i said YES!!!!!!!!!!! So i was the first president of the United States of America. I am now known as the Father of the United States!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  43. hello i am george washington i was commander of the continental army i also led my troops through valley forge. Valley Forge was a hard time cause it was cold and it was harsh. The weather was very very cold and it was snowing. here is one thing that happened. I am from the us, northern virginia.ith it freezing we tried to put houses up, but they were poorly buildt. Only one side of the house had a fireplaces. When the spring came around it got a little better, but malaria was bad with the misqueitos around. Finally we went back to Boston and we were agausted from war. We had lost alot of people during the war and Valley Forge. I died of old age. .Quarting act were when england said that british soldiers had to stay in the colonist's houses with out them having any say .The hasent been looking so good so far after the bristish were killing all my soliders in the lexington and concord it was the first armed battle of the war.I helped my fellow Americans to win the Revolutionary war. I had to prove that I have strong leadership to france. Later France helped us win the Revolutionary war. They brought soldiers to help us win.

  44. Hi i'm phillis wheatley.I'm a former slave who wrote poems and plays that helped the american independence.I loved to write poems it makes me and my friends feel good about are selfs .The poems that I write help make people happy and let them hane some hope.
    The plays I wrote were about us winning the war.when I wrote the plays I had so much hope for me and other people.My friends helped me write them so the play would have more than one voice.that's why I wrote plays and poems.so if you see a poem or play I wrote I hope you like iit.

  45. This is George Washington i am in valleyforge pennsylvania.It is a cold winter and my troops are dying and we are running out of supplies. All that my men have are there fires. We also are running low on food and amo. this is George washington.

  46. i am george washington I'm a commander & cheif of the continental army and also led the revolutionary war the men in my army were strong not many of them survived that day but here at least three anthony jacob and kyle but then after all of the dying the turning point of the war for us my men died in honor of their country but many of my men didn't die a bunch of them got married an had beautiful children here are some the men you might know who had children anthony corona daijon rieves kyle willams brandon justin wright an that is all i can tell that i know about my own war see you next time signed george washington

  47. Hi my name is George Washington. I was the commander of the Continental Army. I won the battle at Yorktown and I captured Lord Cornwallis.I fought at Valley Forge and many soliders died.We didn't have that much supplies, but we stead strong.The war at Valley Forge was very long.Soldiers died at starvation and disease.I am fighting the British Colonist.

  48. Hi my name is George Washington.I was the commander of the continental army.i won the battle at york town.the war was very long.we had vary few supplies.many people died.we captured lord cornwallis.

  49. I am George Washington.I led the continental army to valley forge.I loss many men there. The battle of Lexington and concord was the first battle of the revolutionary war. The first shot was called ((The shot heard around the world.)) The battle of saratoga was the turning point of the revolutionary war. It also influenced French to help us fight.

  50. Hi, my name is Phillis Wheatley .I am an former slave who love to write pomes about american independents. When i write pomes it make me really happy.My friends help to in encourages me to do good and right plays.It make me feel like a star :). For my plays i right i*to my friends i ask them what they think about my play and if they like it then i put it out to do and if they don't then i just find something els until they like and think that what i do and how i love my pomes. American independents is so important to me.Most of my friends love my poems.

  51. My name is John Adams and i championed the cause of independence i was the lawyer of the boston massacre i had to be the lawyer for the british soldiers my cousin samuel adams was in the boston tea party . i was in the treaty of paris . here are some few facts


  53. Hi my name is George Washington.known.I was the Commander of the continental army.i fought in many wars.i won the battle of Yorktown and captured lord Cornwallis.the war at valley was very long,many people died.A man named Baron VonSteuben he trained them and turned them into soldiers.we had many little supplies to live on.
